This is episode 269.

Read the complete transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

MERIDITH'S TIP TO SALES LEADERS: "Think about SEEDS, WEEDS and NEEDS. Every 30 days as a sales team sit down and I just want you to reflect. SEEDS are what are you doing that's really working. What's really growing the sales team? WEEDS are what's weighing you down. What do you need to stop doing? NEEDS are what do you need that you don't have? Color code your calendar to visually see how you’re doing. Anything that's green is revenue generating; red is transforming the business to take it to another level and to get it ready for what's after this pandemic and everything else is peach. If you look at my calendar in March and April, it was far too full with peach. Now I'm very careful to balance my calendar making me far more productive and thrive. SHED THE PEACH FAST and keep moving. You are your best sales coach!"