[EDITOR’S NOTE: This interview took place on March 3, 2019. Some of the pricing details and other comments about LinkedIn features might have changed since this interview took place.]

Read the transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

BRYNNE’S FINAL TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: “We are ignoring our new connections all the time. Put together a great welcome message that has an insight, a piece of content – not a sales pitch, don’t talk about you or your business. Give them some really great value that leads back to your solution but isn’t leading with your solution.”

This is a special episode with Brynne Tillman, the CEO at Social Sales Link.

She’s known as the LinkedIn Whisperer and is of the top LinkedIn for Sales experts on the planet.

We’re going to be talking about optimizing LinkedIn for Sales.

Find Brynne on LinkedIn!