Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

ALEX’S FINAL THOUGHT FOR SALES LEADERS: Everyone I’m sure has heard the expression, “Life is a marathon, not a sprint” and I live that so I would introduce that people just need to understand ‘what race do you want to run in’ because it’s certainly not a sprint and if you’re in your twenties. Do you want to run a 10K, do you want to run a half marathon’? It’s just calibrating your life ambition, career ambition and just understanding and having a very clear vision at that point in your life what race do you want to run in so you could prepare accordingly.”

Alex Bartholomaus is the President and CEO at People Stretch Solutions, a Washington, D.C. based management consulting firm specializing in sales growth consulting and C level advisory serving the mid-market throughout North America and EMEA.

He’s also a published author and professional speaker on the topic of sales, leadership, emotional intelligence and elite business performances.

He started his career as a wine importer where he grew a family business from $1 million in revenue to $37 million in revenue over a 15-year period.

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