Read the transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

JOE'S FINAL TIP TO EMERGING SALES LEADERS: "This is the thought I give my employees and I give my kids, and I really believe in this. Life is short. Every day counts. Whatever you do, do it 100% and do it with passion, and at the end of the day use the mirror test. Look yourself in the mirror, you can't lie to that guy on the other side, and say, "Did I give everything I could give today?" If the answer is yes, you had a pretty good day. If it isn't, then you probably didn't."

Joe Alvarez is the co-owner and chief sales officer at National Office Systems, also known as NOS. It's one of the nation's largest providers of automated storage and retrieval systems, bio-metric asset protection and asset tracking and records management. NOS is headquartered in the DC metro area.

Joe and his partner acquired NOS in 1991 when it was a 5 person firm. Since 1991, Joe's main focus has been to grow profitable revenues directly overseeing the sales and marketing team. Today NOS employs over 100 employees and has grown revenue on an average growth of 12% per year.

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