This is episode 478.

Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

PATTY'S TIP: "What do you think it takes to get promoted?" First and foremost, you have to be really good in your current job. Do not ever forego being good in your current job, because you are chasing down a next-level title. Second, build the right network. I would encourage everyone to take a look at your existing network. Is it with inside your traditional workgroup as it sits today? Or do you have people that are outside of your traditional workgroup where you've built a network that has diversity across the different levels of the business? Third, personal brand. What do people say about you? How are you perceived as an individual?  My challenge would be, go out, ask a few people, "Hey, what's your perception of me? How would you describe me?" That's going to give you insight on what that personal brand looks like for you."