Read the complete transcript on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

This is a replay of the OPTIMAL SALES MINDSET Webinar hosted by Fred Diamond, Host of the Sales Game Changers Podcast, on July 16, 2020. It featured value proposition expert and best-selling author Jose Palomino.

JOSE'S TIP TO SALES LEADERS: "Value creation is answering the question how do you help your customers navigate difficult times better?  I would give people three words to think about and that's fears, frustrations and hopes. “What is my customer afraid of? What are they frustrated by?" What are they complaining about and what are they hopeful for? What are they looking towards in the future? Sit down and ask yourself this very simple question, "What resources can I enlist in my organization to address those fears, frustrations and hopes in any way?" It may have nothing to do with what I'm selling; it really is about becoming that partner."