In this episode, we have a special guest - Shaun Thresher. Shaun is an employee of mine who makes his first guest appearance in an episode every entrepreneur needs to listen to. We go over the biggest reasons most entrepreneurs struggle in business, how to overcome those obstacles and what you need to do starting TODAY to make breakthrough profits in your business.

Check it out, share it and let me know what you think!

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Jeremy: Hey guys this is Jeremy and welcome back to another episode of the sales funnel master podcast. I have a special guest on the line today and he is actually my employee, so there is no really intro. Basically, he works for me that is his intro.

His name is Shaun and he is an Italian which you might have (inaudible 00:00:37). He is from Italy and I actually just had him in a couple of weeks ago and we spend I think 5 days something like that, getting to know each other better because we never saw each other in person. I am a huge on transparency and relationship stuff like that, so I have Shaun in and we have planned out the next 90 days and we came up the idea. Number 1 to focus more on the podcast which I have been doing if you have not noticed over the past couple of weeks and number 2, I am actually going to start having him more on the podcast when I do my own parts of the podcast besides guests and stuff like that.

So today -- and I’ll let Shaun come on and talk for a minute -- today, we are going to talk about why people succeed and why other people don't because there are such big differences and a lot of it comes down to just mindset and execution on what you are actually doing rather than how smart you are or what kind of business you are in. I mean, in most cases, that stuff really does not matter at all. It matters about what your plan is and then how well you execute it.

So that is some of the stuff we are going to talk about it today. Shaun, come on and introduce yourself, so they can kind of get to know you a bit.

Shaun: Hey everybody, yeah, I am Shaun like he said, I live in Italy. It is kind of funny about that, I am a transplant. My wife is an Italian so that is kind of how I round up over there. I met Jeremy about a year ago, it was kind of a weird thing. I just came on there and I saw he was the funnel expert and I was like “Well, hey Jeremy, what’s up? What do you think if I jump on with you?” and he has taught me some of the ropes and so that went good for a little bit I worked on small project with him. He kind of like the work I did and everything went good. So he hired me and here we are.

Jeremy: Yeah, and one thing I want to point out to people is that and it actually ties in really, really well to succeeding and not succeeding, is Shaun did not come to me and like “Hey, you know, I’ll charge you X dollars for this” and he said, “look, I want to work with you, I want to let you know -- I want to prove myself before we ever talk about him giving me fees and stuff like that.

So he actually did a project for me right up front and he did that, I liked it and we started moving forward after that and I think it might had been another week or two or something like that before I actually hired you but that is kind of like what we are talking about today, if you want something, you have to go out and get. You can't just sit back and think “(inaudible 00:03:13)” with your sales funnels and your business.

A lot of people are “oh, I’m not growing this year” (inaudible 00:03:19) and then if you look at the actions that they are taking and number 1 how much action they are taking and number 2, what type of action they are taking, it is completely off the mark and it is so easy to go in somebody’s business and transform it just based on that, and not even some of the other stuff that we are going to talk about today.

So I just want to kind of start off on that note. If you want something, just go and get it. don't have an excuse for it. don't sit there and bitch and moan about why things are so bad. I mean, take it in your own hands and just go out and freaking get it.

So Let's start off. You actually just sent me a statistic that said that 90 -- I forgot what it is, the competition in your business, 90% give up and this is really with any business. 90% give up before they see any results because a lot of people are worried about competitors and things like that, but most people they come into a marketplace are going to be gone in the next couple of months, and even the people who stay and again, this goes back to really any business, whether it is your competitors whether it is my competitor, I mean, it is really just anybody. There is only a small percentage of people that are going to be there long term.

Most people come in and they try one or two things and they fail and they give up and they are gone, and then other people, they come in and they do kind of well, they get a little bit of success and then they hit one big giant road blocking road and they fail. They give up, it is too hard.

For example last year, I had a rough year last year because my dad got cancer and I was spending -- tons and tons and tons of time with him. I was taking work off to go spend time with them. I was taking him to get chemo, I mean it was -- it was a rough year and my income went down a little bit. It is already, I actually did surpassed it this year for last year. But, I mean, most people just give up and they kind of take that and use it as an excuse rather than say, “Okay, it is going to go down a little bit obviously” because you are just not spending as much time at work. I mean I probably spend maybe half the time that I usually do last year actually working because of all that.

It is just kind of a mindset difference in entrepreneurs and the 90% they’re going to come in, they’re just going to give up. They are going to hit a road block, give up and then there is a couple of percent that are going to, another 5% or so that are going to -- they are going to do well until they hit some kind of giant road block or they going to get distracted with shiny object syndrome or something like that is going to happen and then the other 5% or probably less than that are going to be your actual competitors and those are the ones you should focus on.

You should focus on the big players in your industry because if you look at them, you are going to find similarities between them. They are going to be the people that succeed because they, you know like I have been saying, there is really two things. Number 1, being able to actually execute. How much you actually get done in a given day and then you multiply that over whatever 365 days or how many days a year that you work, whatever it is. That is number 1. But if you are not working on the right things, then it does not do anything and that is honesty where a lot of people fail. I have tons of people and Shaun, you know this because we kind of talk about this.

I have tons of people that come to me and they are like, you know I wanted a sales funnel. I already know that I am losing money every single day because my funnel is not optimized and blah, blah, blah and I actually just had one guy that I have been working with. He told me he is losing about $2000 a day waiting for his funnel to be fixed and he has a fairly good excuse. I would not really say that it is good enough for my standards but it is a little bit better than most people. But, people are like, “Oh, you know, I can't spend $10,000, $15,000, or $20,000 or whatever it is on a sales funnel” even though they are making a couple of hundred thousand dollars a year and what happens is, people are spending their life “Oh, you know, I have to get my website redone.” I have someone actually that is a perfect example.

Someone came in and I quoted her a project and I could easily, easily, easily add an extra 10 grand a month to her business easily. I mean, it is just a complete no-brainer for what I was going to do for her and she has been stalling now for roughly, I think, it has been 2 months or so because she has been waiting for her website to get done and it is like, “Oh my God come on” I mean that it is just such a bad excuse in my mind because, yeah, first of all, why can’t you do both? I just don’t understand that. You are an entrepreneur, you should be able to prioritize.

Shaun: Right, and the funny thing about that is, it is a funnel work from the backend anyways. It is like if you have a list, you build the list, send out the sequences, and then there you go. So, I did not know what their excuse had to be for their website to be ready anyways.

Jeremy: I know, yeah and with her, what we were doing, it was not a typical sales funnel for her. What we are doing is doing basically joint venture sales funnel. So one of the things has worked really, really, really well and it is a risk-free way to grow a business is one of the best and the most risk free that really could ever have on a business is doing joint ventures. And Shaun, you know this, I mean some of my biggest projects come from my joint venture partners. So, that is what I was actually going to build for her was a funnel going out and reaching out and acquiring joint venture partners. Because, you know, with that, if you send out a direct mail package or something, maybe you are paying few bucks for it, whatever, I mean, that is basically risk free. You don't even have to do that. You could just reach out the email which is what most people do. But I was going to put together a -- it was actually a smaller funnel, it was not that much money. It was basically a funnel to reach out to joint venture partners for them to promote your business to their audience and you have to do it in a really, really, specific way. You can't just reach out to some of the people in your industry and say, “Hey, you want to send people? Do you want to put of all of you reputation on the line to send out my business?” That is not going to work.

Shaun: It was not basically just to wait for her to break the ice and kind of digitally shake hands and say “Hey, this is what I got going on. This is how I could help your customers.”

Jeremy: Yeah, exactly and that is one of the things that we don’t put through the whole process of one of these joint venture funnels. But, one of the big things is, and you know this again, when we do this, we get, in fact I just had the other day, we got compliments on our cold emails all the time. I did one for when we were reaching out to people to be on their podcasts or for them to come on our podcast or for potential joint venture partner or if we are reaching out to somebody to do like a webinar or to do a guest article and we do all of these things, by the way.

We actually get compliments on the email itself and it is like, “Oh my god it was such a well-written email.” And yeah, that is because we actually put time into it. I mean, you dug in, you know this. We sit there, we’ll go write one email to somebody and spend an hour on it. Because it makes a difference when you --

Shaun: Yes, like half a page (Inaudible 00:11:33).

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, it is only a couple of paragraphs. I mean, if you read it out louder, it probably take you 15 seconds. It is not big, but the thing is you have to, and this is where a lot of people go wrong is they just want to tell people about their product, “Oh, I’m so great and I’m such an awesome person and my products are the best.” When you reach out to people, they don’t care about that. They care about what is in it for them. In the case of joint ventures, it is really number 1, is for one we are going after people and this is really the case for most joint venture deals is number one is about a new income stream. So, you are adding something that was not there before. So, that always gets attention and then you kind of say, “Yeah, here’s what’s happened for our last.” The last time somebody sent me a client, I sent them X dollars so you have some proof in there. Then the biggest thing is people don't want their reputation ruined if they send you somebody and you treat them poorly. So then we also have things in place that show people how we treat our clients and plus, you know, I mean, it is free money for them. Like I said before, it is a new income stream.

I mean, it is different in every case and again I would not go into too much detail. But the point is, going back to kind of what I was talking about before, is people just have excuses and those excuses are typically really bad. I got a lot of them and sometimes it is like listen, if I quote you $15,000 or $20,000 for a sales funnel and you are barely scraping by, that is a good excuse because you don't have money, like you literally have to borrow it, you get a loan or something like that.

Shaun: You know, what’s funny about that because that is probably a guy we want to work with anyways because he is out there hustling.

Jeremy: Yeah, you know, some of the clients I have had in the past where it is like, “Man this is a pretty bad stretch for me and I am going to go out and borrow money” but those are typically the best clients because like you said they are hustlers and if you are an entrepreneur, if you don't look at yourself in the morning and think, look at yourself in the mirror and think that you are a hustler, I mean, that is a very bad sign. We wake up every single day and hustle our ass off and do things that just -- Here is a good example. Yesterday, I actually accomplished all of my weekly goals for the week and that is actually including, I actually went golfing on Wednesday for the afternoon.

Shaun: I confirmed that.

Jeremy: Yeah and I have shot absolutely, absolutely terribly and really, those kind of last minute thing. It was only because it is getting cold here and it was the last time I am going to be able to go this year. So and I have 3 other guys that I was going with and I was like, you know and I am just going to go. But I accomplished all of my weekly goals and you saw the list because I actually share my weekly goals with Shaun because like I said I believe in transparency. So I just started doing that and that list was not small in any stretching imagination and I actually finished it yesterday and instead of just saying “Ok, well I will just take Friday off” I added more to the list and I have a whole big list of things that I am getting done today and I am actually going to be working -- I forgot, either tomorrow or Sunday morning for new thing because we are in the business. We started a new thing that we are doing. Where we’re reaching out to specific people offering and very specific link, I won;t get into it. But that is kind of what I am doing there to kind of, instead of just saying okay we are doing good, we had three of the biggest months in a row that we had in the last like a year and a half and they were right in a row.

Shaun: Yeah, it has been crazy.

Jeremy: Yeah, it has been insane. So we are doing really well, but I don't want to stop that. I want to get to the end of that and then it slows down again. So, we are trying this new thing and I want to get really good momentum for it. So, I am waking up early. I can't remember. I have a mark in my calendar but one of the days this weekend and it is basically -- I am waking up before the rest of the family gets up. I am going to work for probably 3-4 hours and then depending on what day it is, I think it is Sunday and I am waking up doing that, coming up for breakfast with the kids I will get up probably 2-3 hours earlier than everybody else and that I am coming up and I am going to spend the day with the kids and then I am actually going to my mom’s for we are having like a little birthday lunch thingy for my brother’s birthday.

Shaun: Nice. Cool.

Jeremy: Yeah, and then leaving there and going to Katie’s mom for dinner and her brother and sister are all going to be there so it’s a very, very family-focused day.

Shaun: Stromboli?

Jeremy: No, no, no. Katie makes the Stromboli. Katie’s mom does not make that. I don’t even know what we were eating there. Probably some kind of roasted chicken or I have no idea.

Shaun: Cheese pizza?

Jeremy: Oh, you must missed cheese pizzas. But anyway, so that is one thing is that the whole kind of argument there is you have to have a priority in your business. Like, Shaun you know, we have basically three things that we are focusing on for the next 90 days.

Shaun: And we just came up with that though, that was kind of our thing, we were like “Hey, we are kind of losing our focus and so Let's just drive and focus on this one thing for the next 90 days and boy, I mean, you see the results. You can see all the business we have got in.

Jeremy: Yeah, instantly! I mean it was within like a week and again, Like Shaun said, there are 3 things that we are focusing on that is it. We are not testing 10 different types of ads, we are not doing Facebook and Google and Twitter and Youtube. We are just doing Facebook, we are just doing the direct outreach thing that I mentioned before and that is kind of like a secret little project, so I can't get into that, and then we are focusing on the podcast, and that is it. We are doing nothing else and the results have been just phenomenal so far.

So the first thing is, make sure that you have a focus on the business for the next -- for the rest of the year. We only have like 2 months left and --

Shaun: Maybe you recommend that book that we went through to come up with our plan?

Jeremy: Ahh.. what was the book? I don't even remember.

Shaun: It was like, --.

Jeremy: The 12 week year, I think it was called. I am pretty sure it was 12 week year.

Shaun: Yes, 1 year of work in 12 weeks.

Jeremy: Yeah, basically, that book talks about instead of planning for the year which -- anybody listen to this, everybody probably plans for the year. I used to. I don't even do more. But you plan for the year and then you get to like February, the entire thing shifts. So, there is really no point in even planning for a year. You could have like some kind of major overarching goals for the year like income you want to make or something like that. I don't even focus on that anymore even. I just focused on -- I kind of focus on what I do. I think of what I want to hit at the end of the year and then I work backwards and say, okay, what do I have to do to hit that and then I just forget about the number, just let it all happen and then --

Shaun: And starts to take 2 months off?

Jeremy: Yeah.

Shaun: Get it 2 months early.

Jeremy: As we go things changed. So for example, the next 90 days we are focusing on those things. Within those 90 days, we are going to know if they were successful or not. So if they were, we do more of them if they were not, we switch. It is really that simple. In most cases, people have all these excuses for not doing a funnel and it is like, “I’m going to wait 2 months, I’m going to wait a year, I have got do this first, I have got to do this other thing first, I have to clean my office before we start.” I mean it is like, the excuses I have received over the years are just absolutely pathetic.

So just figure out if a funnel is your weakness in the business, maybe it is, maybe it is not. Sometimes your price points are off. I am working with a new client and I looked at his business. He is actually a revenue share partner. I am basically just taking a piece of his business essentially. And the first thing that we are doing is I increase his prices by like 50% because he is closing 80% of people.

So we are increasing prices to get that down --

Shaun: And that guy is an executor.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. I mean, I am sending him stuff and he is writing me back 20 minutes later that is implemented. That is an entrepreneur. He is a hustler. He actually, it is kind of funny, he actually emailed me and he is like “Oh, yeah, just so you know I bought a house” and I was like, “What? What are you talking about? Like were you looking for one?” and he was like, “Kind of. We kind of have one in mind and then we walked into the house, I love it and I bought it within the next 48 hours.” I was like “What?” If you do stuff like that, that shows you that you are a hustler, that you are like a true entrepreneur. So that is number 1, lets us move on to the next one.

One of the things that people struggle with and this is like a big priority, is getting cold traffic to work. I worked with so many people and nobody really focuses on getting cold traffic to work. It kind of -- I mean it kind of depends on this. If you want to scale, you have to. I mean, there is really no other way about it because well in certain cases, but --

Shaun: That is pretty much the holy grail.

Jeremy: Yeah, it really is because when you get cold traffic to work, Let's say Facebook for example, let just say start you start with Facebook, you get that to be profitable and profitable enough like if you are spending a dollar and making a dollar and 2 cents. I mean, technically, that is profitable, but you are really not going to scale on that, but if you get it to an amount that is acceptable, an acceptable ROI say that is like you are spending $1 and making a $1.50 or $2 or $3 whatever it is for your business, it kind of depends. If you have a product, it could be like a $1.25 or $1.50 and that is fine. If it is more of a service, it has got to be more like probably 3 times ROI (inaudible 00: 21:57) at least to be able to be profitable.

You kind of have to get that because once you get it and I always recommend clients to start with one thing. Start with AdWords and once you get it profitable then maximize it and once you can't even do anything else with it, then go on to the next traffic source. So you do, just for example, AdWords, you get that profitable that is your big breakthrough, you open a bottle of champagne and you kind of take a night off and then you come back the next morning and you say, “Okay, how do I make this more profitable?” and you maximize that, and then you move on to Facebook and then you get that profitable and then you maximize that profit, and then you move on to the next thing, Tweeter, Youtube, Instagram or direct mail, whatever it is.

But a lot of people are like, “I’m going to try cold traffic. I’m going to try simultaneously a postcard campaign, a radio campaign, a TV campaign, Facebook, Tweeter and that is -- go ahead.

Shaun: That is the 90% that we were just talking about at the beginning.

Jeremy: Yeah, and they do that -- not even just with cold traffic, that is with basically everything they do that with. That is how they hire employees, that is how they run their business on the day-to-day basis. It is how they -- even as far as planning your days. If you have everything mixed up in the same day, you are not going to be productive. So for me, I am a writer, so I have days where it is just writing and when I am on a writing day, I am just like -- I just go into the dark hole for the day. I don't even pop up, and that is why I am able to write an entire 15-page sales letter in 1 day, is because I have such ridiculous focus on those days. Now, can I do that every day? No, but when it is my heavy writing days, I can do that, in fact, I just did it this week. It was a -- I think it was a 14-page sales letter and I started the sales letter and finished the sales letter within 1 day, I think it was my lunch actually, and then I moved on.

The reason that I do that is because of that laser, laser focus and you can apply to that to every area of the business with how you plan out your days, with how you are getting revenue into the business. One of the things there is look at your business, and figure out -- okay, like lay out all the various ways that you make money, all of your revenue streams. Maybe you have, I don't know, 4 of them.

And then you look and you mark down and you say, okay, Let's just say that is A you get $5000 a month, B you get $5000 a month, C you get $5000 a month and D you get $5000 a month. So they are all equal and so you would look at that and say, “Okay, well, they are all equal so we are going to put equal amount of time into them.” Well then, that is not really the right way to do because if you look, you are going to find that you are putting different amounts of time into them already. So with A, you might put 10 hours to make $5000, with B you might put 30 hours to make $5000, with C it might be 50 and D might be 100 or whatever.

So you look at that and you say, “Okay, well, I’m putting in -- I basically making $500 an hour on A so hey why don’t we focus on that one.” It is not really rocket science. It is just taking the time to look through your business and see what is working, what is not, where your leverage points are and then focus on that.

Coming back to cold traffic, it is the same thing, focus on one piece of traffic. I usually do -- I focus on 3 and then like 1 in each once. So there is like free traffic and then kind of like authority traffic and then paid traffic. Just focus on one of those each. In that way, you get a little bit of diversity but then you are also maximizing the time that you are putting into each of them.

So that is kind of another kind of big reason that people are not succeeding in businesses because they are just focusing on so many different things and it is just -- they have so many going on and it is one of the reasons why I get people that are like “Oh, you know, I have no bandwidth left.” and it is like “Yeah, that is because you are trying to do it by gazillion things” Here’s an idea, don’t do that.

Just in case Jeff is listening to this, it is not really -- he is my client that I said has a decent excuse. He has got through a lot of kind of weird stuff lately and some giant headache. So he’s kind of in a weird spot, but most people that I talked to gives similar excuses but have not gone through the big things that he has gone through. It would be a whole podcast just explaining what we went through. One of them for example is, he ended up having to -- he had to redo his website and he ended up like paying like, it was like 3 or 4 times the amount that the developers that are originally quoted him because they got to the end of his first whatever quote period and they were like, “Oh yeah, we are not even close to being done, and we can’t stop now, and you can't hire anybody else because they are not going to know where to pick up and it is probably going to be about 3 times the amount that we quoted you.”

That was basically the situation. He got kind of screwed which I have no idea if that was (inaudible 00:27:35) or not. He is actually not even declining it so I don't know if that was like an internal thing, like a bad hiring (inaudible 00:27:42) what happened but he is in kind of a weird spot.

Let's move on to the next one. The next one is that people don't have a backend. Shaun, I am going to have you kind of talk about this from a little bit. So just kind of pick it up and we will see where your thought goes.

Shaun: I don't have backend either.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, right? Your backend is me and your frontend is me.

Shaun: Yeah, backends, they are kind of unusual creature because once you kind of get the frontend lined out, then your backends come in and that is kind of where I picked up -- where I started helping Jeremy was. We always try to teach people that there is certain touch points in how you want to communicate with your customers. One of the most recent clients that we had he was in a daily niche and then I had to go in and read through what he was talking about and kind of pick up his voice and communicate properly to the customer where he could have done that on his own but if he is not really paying to attention how the customers respond to him, they come in and respond to support emails, if he is not taking any consideration when he writes his sequences for a sales funnel, I see that is where people make a mistakes.

The other thing I see mistakes when clients come to us on the backend is they just don't have anything there. Maybe, they will have a service or they will have a product and that’s it and you ask them “so what is next?”they were like, “Well, what do you mean?” What do you think about that?

Jeremy: Yeah, I mean I can't tell you - and I have fought with customers over this. You are bringing people in and Let's just say that you have $97 product upfront right? So you get customers, Let's just say you are making $100 grand a year, you are doing okay. You are pushing along a little bit but you only have that one product. You have all those customers who trusted you with $97 of their money, I mean it is not a lot of money, but the point is they are trusting you with whatever result that you promised to get them.

Shaun: Another thing that we were saying to -- they do the one contact, so the guy comes in and he will buy from you one time and then they never follow up with them.

Jeremy: Oh yeah, I mean people put so much time into the front end and it was like, “Okay, I’m going to do 50 auto-responders for my prospects” and then it is like “Okay, people buy now what?”

Shaun: What’s that 50 (inaudible 00:30:19) like? The cost of a new client versus a previous client?

Jeremy: It is something like 7 or 10 times less expensive to get them to buy again. Let's just say that your cost per acquisition, cost for acquiring customer is Let's just say its $100. Basically, it would cost you somewhere in the range of like may be $10 to $15 to get them to buy a second time and the thing with that is -- I don't know about profitability because one person might have $500 backend, one person might have $10,000 backend, so I am not sure with that, but Let's just say that you have a $97 product and it costs -- Let's just say that you have $150 product and it costs you $100 to get them, so making 50% basically for each customer comes in and then you have a $500 product and it cost you $15 to get them buy again. I mean, look at the difference in the profitability? That is where most smart business make their money. People are like, “Oh, I have this one product, and I want to be hugely profitable on it.” And I talked to them and then like look, “that’s not how business works.” Business works by having something upfront that allows you to kind of gather the largest amount of customers in a break even or may be just like a tiny little sliver of a profit, and this is where the whole like trip wire thing came out. Everybody say, “Oh my god tripwire, it’s a brilliant idea, it’s been out for like 8000 years. (inaudible 00:32:10) I just want to name on it. Same thing with survey funnels like basically adding marketing concept, I mean it is all out there already. It is just putting a different name on it.

Shaun: It was not called like a ‘Lead Magnet’ or something at first?

Jeremy: Well, “Lead Magnet’, that is more of like a free report or kind of thing, but again, giving a free report. Two step mailing, I mean that has been out since like the early 1900s, they have been doing that in direct mail, and it is just somebody has to put a name on it.

Shaun: So what would you think if somebody could implement today, like one small tweak they could implement to their backend starting today?

Jeremy: Yeah, that is easy, come out to freedom offer. I called it freedom offer -- this kind of varies between the business but come out with something that is roughly 5 to 10 times as expensive as whatever your highest thing is now okay, maybe its 3 or 4 -- it is several times more expensive.

Shaun: Could you explain that, I think that came out kind of confusing.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, so Let's just say -- for example, this client that we just joint, his highest package I think was -- I think it was like $2000. So what we are doing and he said like, when he brings people on, they are not really complaining about price because he gets tons of tons of visitors, he does a lot of qualifying on weeding people out.

So when he gets on the phone with people he is closing like 80%+ because they have already seen the price, they have already kind of talk about a little bit so when people come on they are not really talking about price, I’m like, “well, dud, you gotta increase your price.”

So one of the things and he also said, he is like -- a lot of people come in and they only get like 2 or 3 months of coaching, but that is not really going to transform your life and that is even when I talk about with funnels and stuff and that is why, as you know, were moving away from just like one-time projects and things like that, we are moving way, way more towards actually partnering with people because the difference and I think --

Shaun: Yeah, but that is not just so we could profit, that’s so we can really dive in and learn somebody’s business so we could -- so they can benefit more.

Jeremy: Yeah, I mean it is so hard like when you are redoing a sales funnel for somebody and it is like okay, Let's do a sales letter and 2 up-sells and a buyer’s sequence and a prospect sequence. You don't -- I mean, there is not enough time to really, and especially, because most clients are like, “I going to make you wait 3 months, 3 weeks, I got a delay, I got a delay, I got a delay, okay, I am ready to go, why is it not done?” We get that all the time.

Besides that, but it’s -- you can't go deep enough when it is not on a revenue-sharing basis. Just because of the way that is structured fee-wise. I mean it is just not --

Shaun: And would you think it’s like dating?

Jeremy: What’s that?

Shaun: I mean it would be similar to dating wouldn’t it?

Jeremy: Yeah, so for him, he would get a lot of people that would come in and he is like a dating coach, so he would come in and they would get a date and then it will be like “okay, I’m done” and it is like, okay, well do you know how to keep her? Do you know how to stay with her? Do you know how to set boundaries with her? So you are not like one of these guys that just gets like trampled on by the wife and there is -- trust me, a lot of guys like that the wife just rules the house and it should not be like that and the guy should not either, it should be a balance and that is how you keep a healthy relationship and that is why divorce rates are like whatever 50%+. You have to accept those boundaries and free -- first of all, you have to be with the right person first of all.

But anyway, one of the things that I kind of took all this information and we are coming out with several packages. We came out with a 2-month, a 3-month, a 6-month, and a 12-month package and people are going to naturally fall into the various categories. They were not available before so people did not do them, now that they are available, I guarantee you, so his highest package now is $15,000. It is like whatever it is like $1200 a month for 12 months, whatever that --

Shaun: About that, maybe talk through about why somebody would build a high package even if they get no customers for it.

Jeremy: Yeah, that is actually a good point. So Let's just pretend that nobody does it. He is going to get people in it because in every marketplace, there is roughly 1% of people just have tons of money, they just want the best thing that you have, it does not even matter a lot -- he is ridiculously awesome. But it does not even matter what it is really, there are just people -- they just want the highest end just across the board whether it is a vacuum cleaner, a computer, a car, a house whatever it is. They want the best thing that they can possibly get.

So if you don't have these things that really make people stretch, and I will talk about -- actually a new thing that we’re going to be coming out with -- first of all, you are not going to attract those people that always want the highest thing because if you don't have that really, really high thing you are not even going to attract those people.

Number 2, even if you don't sell any, so he has his $15,000 program, when he is on the phone with people, I am going to have him start with the $15,000 program that he is talking about because he is going to -- basically, we give them like a little bit of an overview at the various program that he has and then when he is on the phone I am going to have him start and then it is like okay “what packages do you have?” and he will start talking about it, and we still actually have to build a selling strip for all of this. He is a fairly new client. He’s a fairly new client, he’s only been on for about a month, something like that, not even. Actually, October 1st we started, so not even like 3 weeks.

So what we are doing is I am going to have him start at the $15,000 okay and what that does is that created a juxtaposition, and that basically like if you see a big elephant next to like a little fox, that fox is going to look smaller than if you see another fox next to that fox. So that is basically called a juxtaposition, it just makes it -- it kind of like enhances whatever it is, if it is a small thing it makes it look it smaller if it is big, it makes it look bigger that kind of thing.

So if he is going down and he is going to start with okay my highest price program is $15,000 and this is for the most like bad ass guy. We are going to work together for full 12 months. He will go into his whole pitch and then most people are going to be like “wow, that is like way too much” and then he will come back down like “okay, well we have another one” and it is only $2500. That looks so much cheaper than if he just said “okay, I think you have fallen to the $2500 one.” Because you are coming -- instead of just starting basically from 0 to 2500, you are starting from $15,000 and coming down to $2500.

Number 1 by doing that, it is going to help him close more people on the phone like higher percentage, but another thing is, he is going to get more people into the higher end program, so he is --

Shaun: Another thing about that too is you just got done talking to the guy about his higher end program, in his mind, he sees himself already there, but you offer him a lower program, he is like, “it’s almost there, it’s quite there, it’s close enough.”

Jeremy: Yeah, basically, what that does is that, that establishes your authority. If you have the ball to charge $15,000, I mean you look at that, and you are like, “Wow, this due really must know what he is talking about” instantly, like even if you know nothing else about him and obviously we are in the process of putting funnels in place that really build his authority before they get into a call, but even if -- as you are sitting there, pretend that you need help with dating, okay, and by the way, if anybody needs help with dating, reach out to me and I will hook you up with them because he is ridiculously awesome.

Let's just pretend that you need help with dating and you get on the phone with 2 people, okay. The one and you don't know anything about either of them, okay. So there is Charlie and Mark, right. So you get in the phone with Charlie and he is like, “Okay, you know, I am going to help you with dating and my package is $2500” for 3 months or whatever and you are like okay, and then you get on the phone with the other guy, forgot what name I set for the other guy, and you get in the phone with him and he says, “Oh, I can help you with dating and my highest price program is $15,000 and we are going to work with you for the whole year and if that is not in your range, we have another one at $2500.” The difference in that just by having that high end program, you instantly -- just think in your head right now, who do you think is more credible, the guy with $2500 program or the guy with the $15,000 program? It does not even matter if he has anybody in it or he can even deliver on, obviously you are going to want a deliver on it.

Shaun: Yeah, there’s a bit of disclaimer about that though, I mean it is an actual program. It is not just something we just put up there.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah --

Shaun: (inaudible 00:41:34) lots of content. You know, I mean, if somebody signs up for it, they are getting a massive amount of value.

Jeremy: Yeah. It is like that most high level thing like ever, you know you get --

Shaun: And the other thing I see people when they’re hesitant about developing a program like that is what we’re talking about before was -- they are like “what I am going to offer in that program” I can't charge $15 grand, I don't know what to offer them that”

Jeremy: Yeah, so in that case, you have to become better. I mean it is just that simple and maybe that sounds harsh, but that is the truth I mean you know when you came in, I said, I mean, we started talking about me implementing a higher end program and this is not even live yet.

Shaun: I think I have been pushing you to make that happen to.

Jeremy: Yeah, you have a little bit and it has been one of those things on the back burner and now it is coming through but by the end of this year, I am going to have a program that is $120,000 a year. It is basically $10,000 a month and then I will probably have a thing where you can pay like a $100,000 upfront or whatever and just get it, but I am going to have a program that is $120,000 a year right. That instantly makes me more authoritative and I am going to obviously make it worth. It is basically going to be what we do for the revenue share partners, but for someone like if you have a $30 million dollar business or something like that maybe you don't want to do revenue share because that can be ridiculous amounts of money so you just kind of do this instead. Obviously, it is not going to be for everybody. If you are making $100,000 a year, you can't afford to spend that but there is a certain percentage of every single audience in the world and if you don't believe that I want you to email me so I can yell at you personally. Because, I mean, honestly, there are things -- let's just have a completely obscured -- knitting. That is the most like ridiculously, like, you would never think someone in charge --

Shaun: My grandma love knitting.

Jeremy: Right. So you would never think the classes you probably go to you probably spend like $5 a class or something like that. I guarantee you, there are certain people in the knitting niche that would spend, I mean I don't know how much, but at least a couple $1000 and what you can do with that is let's see -- I am trying to put myself into the knitting mindset here.

Shaun: I would think that if you were to teach like a lady how to start your own type of business they could do like trade shows or crop show.

Jeremy: Yeah, that is one. You can be like a certified knitter. You could go and do a live event where the person comes and maybe there is some famous knitting lady. A lot of people pay tons and tons of money. Most people, if you -- anybody listening to this, if you have gone to seminars or you have met people at masterminds or something like that. You know how excited you get to meet people and it is funny because you meet your big heroes and then you are like, “Oh, really, that’s it?”

I can't tell you how many times it had happened which I am not starstruck like whatsoever anymore, I could not care less, because there are just people that are good whatever they do, but the point is people pay a lot of money for that. Think of let's just say, Justin Bieber, right. Justin Bieber is a big hit, I guarantee you that there are parents that would spend at least $10,000 for their, little like 15-year-old girl or whatever -- I would imagine 15-year-old girls like Justin Bieber. I guarantee you, there is a market for him charging $10,000 to $50,000 for like a couple of hours and I guarantee you that there are 15-year-old girls’ fathers who would pay that to give their little girl the privilege to do that. I absolutely guarantee, it is going to happen.

The point is, how about them? That is kind of where we are going back to, and it does not have to be -- if you have this, you kind of have like a value ladder. If your product is $100 maybe don't go up to like $10,000 right away. Do $100 and then do like $500, $1000 and then $5000 or $10,000. You should have kind of different levels for different purposes and typically it goes -- like an information product is may be a couple $100 and then you go up to like maybe --

Shaun: A group coaching?

Jeremy: Yeah, or like templates kind of depends on the market but like templates might be a little bit more or group coaching and then one-on-one coaching and then one-on-one coaching for longer or done for you. You kind of like see how that progress upwards, that is the main point there is most people don't have a backend and when I work with people doing webshares and even clients and stuff like that, usually the clients -- instead of me building it for them, it is basically like, “Hey, do this.” Here is what I think should be the next step for us and then just let me know like when you are done and then we will implement it into the funnel. That is what I kind of do with a lot of clients that are more of like the one-on-one clients.

Like I said, just don't limit yourself. don't have that mental block in your mind that, “oh, people won’t pay that amount of money” because they will. I mean, it is just a fact of life they will. So don't let that be kind of excuse.

Shaun: Right. Plus, too, you use it as a positioning tool.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. Again, like we talked about before. Even if nobody buys it obviously don't charge a ton of money if you can't deliver that value. I always -- you should be able to deliver at least 5 to 10 times that value. So from my $100,000 program that I am going to be coming out with, by the way, if anybody is interested in hearing that we can kind of talk about, you can help me, we kind of strategize the whole thing, but I will do extra stuff for you too by the way. In that, I am looking for ways like when I sit down to plan that out and exactly what I am going to do for people, I already know what I am going to do for them. Basically, the same thing I do every day but just way, way, way, way, way more deep, but I am going to just map it out for people so that it is easier to understand, because you can't say, “oh give me a $100,000 so what are you going to do for me?” I don't know, some stuff.

I am going to help you grow, it is not very sexy. So I am going to map that out but when I am mapping that out and actually putting bullet list of like exactly what I am going to do for people, I am going to be looking at, okay, I am charging these people $100,000 over a year, that means that I need to make them at least $500 to a million dollars, $500,000 to $,1,000,000 in trackable results. The people that I am going to be working with are not going to be $200,000 businesses. They are going to be in the 7 to 8 figures. I am not looking for a lot of clients obviously. In that range, if I get a couple in a year, that is awesome and that is really all I even want for that level of service because --

Shaun: And then we’d be (inaudible 00:48:48).

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. I mean there is only a couple that you can do before I have to expand the team further and stuff like that, but anyway, I think we kind of hit the point on the backend.

The next one is missing the crucial touch points in the email sequence, and first of all, people just typically don't have good emails, people think that you just sit like, “oh, I need a prospect sequence” and it is like, “oh, I am not going to hire anybody because --“

Shaun: Maybe explain what the prospect sequence is.

Jeremy: Yeah, that is a good idea. A prospect sequence is basically when you bring people in and we are talking about before a lead magnet, something free of value, it could be an automated webinar, it could be a free rapport or video or whatever it is, something with online like a chiropractor, it could be -- bring them in for a free 20-minute massage or free backtracking, which actually, I have to go to chiropractor today because my neck still hurts from a month ago.

When Shaun was in here we were lifting together and we were doing shoulder presses and so I was the first one to notice it. This is really weird my right shoulder just feels like so much more weak than my left shoulder. I was throwing the last one up with my left shoulder, it was just going right up in my right when I was struggling to get it up, I don't know what is going on with my right shoulder. So we went through -- I mean both of us, it had to be like (inaudible 00:50:17).

Shaun: Yeah, yeah, I felt it to, but I did not say anything.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, and so we are looking and it turns out we had 5 extra pounds on the right weight set and we were lifting like that, I mean, I think that is what threw my neck out because I woke up the next day and I can barely like move my neck. I had to take them in and I hate pain killers. I have to take them for like a week straight.

So I finally went to the chiropractor and I am still going every week. So I have to go later today. They have been helping but it is still a little bit off.

Going back to email sequence, first of all, you have to have a way to keep in touch with people who come to your business, because if you don't do that, they are going to forget about you. Just plain and simple.

Shaun: You would say that we are talking to the people who have not bought from us yet?

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, these are prospects, yeah. Email sequence that can be for anything. That can be for prospects, it could be for buyers. You have to strategize them. You have to map them out. You can't just -- so many people are like “Oh, I’m just going to do my emails” all you really have to do is keep in touch with them and they will buy, and it is like, “No, that’s not it.” You have to overcome the objections because when people come, they are going to have objections as to why they are going to buy. They are going to be looking at you and comparing you against your competitors.

So I mean, think of anything that you have ever bought in your entire life. You went through a process, a mental process where you sat there and you said, “Okay, I need X product.” And they you will go and you will look at probably like 2 or 3 different people who provide that product or service and then you look at it and you say, “Okay, this person does this thing, this one is cheaper, but they get a better result” you see, you kind of do all these in your head.

Well, why not just get them into your sequence, into your funnel and do all that thinking for them. You know what I mean, and show that -- why--

Shaun: For me, a good example is like when you go to the restaurant. If you go to the restaurant, there is a great waiter, they are going to open the menu, they are going to recommend 2 or 3 things in the menu and you will like, “Oh, well that is incredible” you probably going to buy one of those, once you go there and they just give you menu (inaudible 00:52:33) menu and you look at the picture like, “what’s that?” you’ll pick something at random.

Jeremy: Yeah. Exactly, that is actually a really good example. Think of the last time you went to a restaurant and if you were lucky enough to have a server who did that for you, because it does not happened often, but I know when -- this happened to me a couple of times and when it happens I almost always buy what they talked about.

Shaun: I got a funny story about that. I went with my wife one time and she was like trying on a pair of jeans and the cashier was like, “Hey, what are you doing?” and I was like, “She is in there trying the jeans” and she say, “Hey, I saw you are looking at the jeans, you want to try them on?” We walked out spending like $400, I don't want to buy anything.

Jeremy: Yeah, that is why car dealerships give you rides in the car because you get emotionally attached to that specific car. My neighbor actually just bought a Porsche by the way. He just bought the Porsche like a day after you left. I came home and I was sitting in his driveway I was like, “Oh, man, Shaun would have love it.”

Yeah, if you are able to get into the mind of the person that you are trying to sell your product to and come at them in a very authentic way, there is a couple of things that you need to do in your emails and this is really buyer’s or prospects. First of all, you need to overcome all the objections they are having. So with dating, it is like, “Oh, I’m too fat to get a date” or “I’m too ugly or I’m too dumb” I mean, they have all these things like going on inside their head. It is basically low --

Shaun: What if she says no?

Jeremy: Yeah, what if she says no, I can't approach them, I am too nervous and that kind of thing. So you have to overcome them and we just wrote this. We did a very good job in doing that. You also have to -- once you have overcome the objections, then they are like, “Okay, I’m going to do this.” I am going to hire a dating coach, and then its, okay, “who do I hire?” then you come back and you say, “well here is why you should work with me.” I have done that a couple split-tests actually with comparison charts where you -- like on, just for example, like a supplement page, where you compare your product against the other ones and they usually increase conversions by like 15% plus, like you cross the board and all the test that you have ever done and it is just because people have -- it goes to show you like the proof, I mean people, in their mind or physically, are researching you against your competitors and when people hire me I know that they are looking at me and may be one or two or three whatever other people to help them with their sales funnels.

Shaun: And that actually is a good tactic thing, encourage them to look at the competition.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. I mean if you provide something better, you could go so crazy as if you -- Let's just say that -- Let's pick a random example. Let's just say that you have a martial arts studio and you know that your service is just light years beyond everybody else. You can actually say, “look, go try them out then come try me out, and if you like them better, I will actually pay for 3 months membership for you.” Think about the confidence that would give you in that person to go with that. You probably think like “Oh my god, I am just going to go with you and not waste my time with the other person” just think of it that way, I mean that might be a little bit too much for most people, but if you really want to grow, I mean you do stuff like that. For us, maybe I should be doing this. This is like, hey look go look at them, look at their results, look at how they treat you, look what they do after they work with you.
Shaun: Actually, we just had a client who did that.

Jeremy: That is true, yeah. Because he said all this and this and then I realized I was missing something in the -- I think it was like 2 different things in the way that I was approaching him so we fixed that immediately and then got him as a client. We are working with him now, it is a pretty big project. It is just because, again, people are doing that research in their head. So instead of them coming to conclusion, your email should allow them to come to your conclusion, if that make sense.

There are several things that you need in your emails. Number 1, you have to bond with them, like I said, you have to overcome their objections first of all. You have to bond with them because if they don't like you as a person, first of all that is fine. There are a lot of people that probably don't like me, they don't like -- whatever, my voice, my personality, or whatever -- the way that I talk about my kids, they send an email out today with a picture of Logan in it because it was just hilarious.

Whatever that is, that is okay, you don't want to attract everybody. You want to purposely have a very, very specific personality in the way that you do things so that people who resonate with that immediately bond with you and then they will start listening to you, you gain their attention because you have to get their attention first before they will start listening to you.

So you get their attention, then you overcome the objections and then once the objections are overcome they come to a conclusion that they are going to buy -- they need the solution for whatever their problem is, then you have to show them that you are the solution, okay. You kind of do this like intertwine --

Shaun: Yeah, I mean for me, when I am writing emails, I could put myself in their shoes like, oh men I have been there, I know what is like. I have had the struggles. I solely made it through. This is how I can help you the same.

Jeremy: Yeah, exactly. It is not really a linear process because people are in different stage of this. It is not the exact same thing for everybody. One person might take 3 months to make a decision whereas the other person takes 3 minutes.

So you kind of have to put like all of this as fast as you can, it is kind of like a very delicate thing. You can't just overcome objections, you have to overcome objections, bond and show them why you are the best all at the same time, that make sense. And that is why it is so important to get it done -- get everything all the stuff done professionally because if you are coming at it from a point of view where it is like, “Oh I’m great, I’m awesome. Work with me. Hire me, buy my stuff.” It does not come across as genuine, but if you come across and you know this, we kind of adopted like the more of like a J. Abraham type of approach where it is a very genuine and authentic and coming from place of why they need you and not why you need them.

So, it is like, when I am talking clients on the phone, it is like, “look, I am going to help you, you need help in your business” whatever the thing is, you are stuck, you are in a plateau mode, you just want to make more money, a lot of people they just send me they just want to do better, which is (inaudible 00:59:39) I mean we are doing very, very well but we just want to make better because we are entrepreneurs. It is just how we are.

You have to just help them come into that conclusion that you are there to help them. It makes such a difference and I wish I had an email up here to show specific example but it is like, I always -- a lot of times in my copy, I use the phrase, “you don’t deserve it.” You don't deserve to be overweight. You deserve to be fit and healthy and have a nice butt and have big biceps or whatever the case is and that completely switches it. Instead of saying, “oh I am going to help you lose weight and because I have done this and I have done that and I have this technique, look, you don’t deserve to live a life where you don't feel confident and when you put your clothes on, you are embarrassed to lock out the door and blah, blah.

Do you see the difference there? It is just night and day in the way that they perceived, whatever it is that you are telling.

That is why people -- I say this all the time, Yes, you can technically have a sales funnel but you have to do it right properly. If you have a landing page and a sales letter and an up sell and emails, yes, technically, you have a sales letter, but that does not mean you have it done the right way, that does not mean you are maximizing your potential. If your lead magnet, whatever you give him away for free, if it does not match what you are selling, it does not take people and lead them to the next thing, you are not going to do very well.

Shaun: And all that is engineered when we sit down with somebody and write out their sales funnel.

Jeremy: Exactly, yeah. I mean that is -- we are very, very strategically, it is not just like -- if you are selling weight loss it is not just like, “Let's just make a report”, I don't know.

Shaun: Yeah, (inaudible 00:01:47).

Jeremy: Yeah, like 7 ways that -- eating more salad can make you feel better and then the course is about like bodybuilding. I mean, there is such a disconnect there, it has to be -- the report has to --. Here is a good example, we just did one for -- we have been working with NuWave. There is probably a lot of people on here that have NuWave ovens and NuWave stove tops, right, the infomercial product.

So we are working with their company and one of the things that they are doing, they have another kind of like subset or offset whatever, they are called Duralon pans. So these awesome nonstick pans are really safe for you. The nonstick itself is just - it just works better than anything I’ve ever had. So the thing that we are doing first is we are driving cold traffic to a page where they get a free pan, it is like a free plus shipping thing and I think it is $6.95 or $7.95.

Shaun: That is an insane deal.

Jeremy: Oh my god, it is awesome. The pans are ridiculous. Again, if you want me to send the page just let me know. It is actually in the process of being designed right now. So that is the -- basically like the tripwire, that is to use the coined phrase.

So they come there and it is just ridiculously awesome offer and then the off sell to that is not like how to cook better which would not be too bad, but it is not that connected. The off sell is, okay, now you have this pan, how about you buy the whole set? It is a perfect relation to what they are buying because it is like, okay, you have this pan, Let's use that and we actually don't even push them that hard. In the buyer’s email sequence, we have -- I think there was like 10 emails after it go out for 45 days or something like that.

In that sequence, we are not trying to sell them immediately.

Shaun: Well, the thing about that pan is, it sells itself because it is so good.

Jeremy: Oh yeah, and that is why talking about engineering everything, that is why when we were strategizing the buyer’s sequence it is not -- we weren’t like, “oh hey, you got this, buy the whole set.” We offer that because we know some people are going to do that immediately, but we don't push that. What we push is getting them to use the pan because we know that, that pan is so good that when they use it, and I actually thought this idea because it happened to me. I use the pan the first time and I was like, “Wow, this thing is awesome” and now I am actually getting the whole set myself.

Shaun: I remember that.

Jeremy: We specifically engineered and this comes down to strategizing. Most people don't think about this in depth. They kind of just like, “Oh, Let's just throw a bunch of emails in there” and this does not work. It has to be very strategically engineered.

So what we are doing is the first like, it is like the first 5 or 6 emails are getting them just to use the pan, and it is like reminding them to use the pan, “hey, you know, it is going to be there tomorrow” getting them excited about it before it comes.

Shaun: And that is one thing too, I mean, we go on and on and on about that. You will be surprised how much people don't utilize the product after they bought it.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, I mean that is why I was just talking to a guy named Mike Weiss yesterday. We are actually speaking of doing joint ventures. I am talking to him and he has built a membership kind of platform and what it is, is when you have an online course and again, if you want (inaudible 01:05:05) just let me know. If you have an online course, most people I forget the statistics, it was like, I think it was like 90% of personal development products and like 97% of business opportunity products or any kind of like marketing product that kind of thing. That many people don't use it, right?

Shaun: Right, myself included.

Jeremy: That is why when you have products and you have -- even if you have a backend, most people are not doing it because they need -- they already spent money and if they don't get a result from the first thing, why would they do business with you again if they never got result from the first thing. It is not -- I mean it is kind of your fault. Basically, it is not your fault that they did not get a result because they did not use it, but it is your responsibility to get them to use it to then write the result, you know what I mean?

So if you want like -- I tell a lot of clients that -- if you want to increase your backend, get more people to actually use the first thing they bought and that is why I always harp on doing buyer’s sequences because that is -- typically, the first half of the buyer’s sequence is to get them -- I (inaudible 01:06:27) a personal coach campaign is to get them to use whatever they just bought, and then the second half it starts to switch into then up selling to other things.

That is kind of a long way of talking about emails, I think we went into enough information about that. Now, is there anything else you think that we should talk about before we hop off?

Shaun: No, I guess we are good for today. We pretty much covered those subjects really well.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, we went over an hour today. I think this is a lot better. Guys, if you would couple of things. Number 1 is make sure that you leave a review. We are putting out -- and I sent an email about this today. We are putting a big, big push on the podcast. We are finally, after like, oh my god it has been off like a year now. We are finally --

Shaun: I mean that is part of our one thing.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. It is one of our 3 things that is the free traffic part of it. This one is actually look more of an authority, but anyway, we are putting a huge, huge push for the next up until the end of this year on the podcast. We are going to -- at the end of the year, we are going to look and say, okay was it worth it? That is basically just one question, that is the decision. If it is not worth it then we are not going to do the podcast anymore or we are just going to do it less, but we are putting a lot of time and resources and energy into the podcast for the rest of this year.

So if you enjoy the podcast, if you are getting value out of it which I know you are getting because I am getting tons of emails of people that say, “Oh my god, it’s the best podcast I have ever listened to” You go through stuff and give detail that most other people don't want to do because then -- they kind of like whet your appetite, I don't want to sell you the product, that kind of thing.

So if you are enjoying it go and leave us a review and all you have to do is basically just search Sales Funnel Mastery in iTunes and then you click, I forgot what the thing looks like, I think you just click like subscribe or whatever. Click on the ratings and reviews and so when you go in there, there are details, ratings, and reviews and related just click rating and reviews and then write a review, and when you do that, shoot me an email. It is [email protected] and shoot me an email with your - - and just let me know like your name that you did with and I am actually going to send you -- I used to sell product called the Conversion Cheat Sheet and I used to sell it for $77 and I will send you that free, it is slightly outdated but like there is 101 I think different split-testing conversion ideas and I would say at least 85 of them are still very, very, very relevant, a couple of them may have drop out because things change in the internet, stuff like that.

If you leave a review, just let me know what name so I can go and verify it and I will send you that for free and that helps us basically reviews if you don't know -- it helps us because, basically it helps you, it is kind of like having links, it is like the equivalent of back link for Google SEO.

Shaun: Plus, it’s just good to see people enjoy what we are putting out.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, definitely. So go and leave a review and then the other thing is if you have any questions that you want us to answer, I might start doing like Q&A kind of thing. If you have any questions that you want us to answer, send me those. You could all put this in 1 email if you want. If you have any people that you want me to interview also send over those we are starting to reach out and do more interviews because they are pretty cool.

Shaun: Yeah, because some cool guys coming up.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah, --- and even the last couple -- I am getting in the topics that most people don't talk about. If you’ve listened to the interviews, it’s not - - I don't do the typical like, “Oh what are 3 mistakes you made and what is your number 1 success tip” and I mean that stuff is way too boring. I am actually doing -- I typically try to focus on one like kind of main topic with them and I usually have like 2 questions that I start with just to get the ball rolling and then the rest of it is completely unscripted because it comes out better that way and I am telling people upfront like, listen you have to be able to talk about it off-the-cuff and that is one way of qualifying people because people that need to start really should not be doing interviews.

For example, when I interviewed Butch Bellah, I had him do like an off-the-cuff, like have him sell me and that was not scripted whatsoever, I thought of it while he was talking and I made him do it, like right then. So that is kind of the fun stuff that we are doing, and as it grows, we are going to be doing contest and like all kinds of fun stuff with it. So help us get it growing more, it is partially my fault because I had this for -- there is like what 35 episodes or something like that I have never even asked for reviews, I would never really done anything like strategically for it, it was kind of just one of those things I would get an idea and just record it and put it up there. So it really is my fault up until this point, but now it is in your hands because I am asking you now. So leave a review and I will send you the Conversion Cheat Sheet. That is pretty much it for today.

I hope you enjoyed this interview. Let me know if you like the format of Shaun and I both being on here rather than just me. I started having him on here because it was just -- it kind of helps keep the conversation flowing a little more -- usually, I go for what like 10, 15 minutes maybe if I’m by myself and it is now we’re up like an hour and quarter or so.

I think it came out really, really well. Shoot me some feedback, let me know if you like Shaun, if you hate Shaun. I will definitely tell him that you hate him because I like to bust his chops, it makes my day, it’s fun. Let me know if you kind of enjoy this type of thing with both of us on here that kind of thing. Make sure you leave a review and we will talk to you next time.

Shaun: Thanks guys.