In this episode, we talk with Paul Durante. Paul is a serial entrepreneur and has taken more chances in business than most people will in a lifetime! We start off talking about why courage is one of the most important traits an entrepreneur can have and move from there into several other topics you take take and implement in your business quickly. Enjoy!
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Jeremy Reeves: Hey guys and girls this is Jeremy Reeves with another episode of the sales funnel mastery podcast and today I have on the line, Paul Durante, and he is based -- he is at Manhattan. Actually, (inaudible 0:12.5) but 2-1/2 hours away and Paul is a -- he is a leading authority on entrepreneuralism, media, fine art, and also the cruise travel industry which -- Paul, I want to talk to you a little bit about that.

He is also the co-host with Jay Abraham and they host The Ultimate Entrepreneur podcast and Jay as you guys probably know. I already have mentioned him like a thousand times probably. He is one of the biggest influences that has kind of you know, influenced my own line of thinking you know. There is a lot of people you could follow. Jay was one of my biggest influences, so I am pretty excited that Paul is on the line. We could talk about you know, his experiences (inaudible 0:49.1) what he has learned from them and you know some of the traits that they kind of used together to you know, do some world domination and that kind of thing.

So Paul, introduce yourself, tell us a little bit about yourself and where people could find out about you, that kind of thing.

Paul Durante: Well Jeremy, I appreciate being on the show and I appreciate your kind words. Yeah, my relationship with Jay is kind of (inaudible 1:09.7) story. My cruise ship business experience was kind of unique story. So where (inaudible 1:16.1).

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, sounds good. So, I guess let us start -- let us see, I know one of your big topics do you like to talk about is that you know, the courage to be an entrepreneur and I think it is a good topic you know.

So I would like to hear a little bit more about your thoughts on that. So I guess let us start there and then we will kind of see where it goes.

Paul Durante: Entrepreneur takes a lot of (inaudible 1:43.3) to some people use courage, some people guts you know, it is easy -- and I do not want to (inaudible 1:52.0) people who have (inaudible 1:53.4) because that is their performance you know they work hard and many people go to college and (inaudible 1:57.4) people telling me to do, so I decided to go (inaudible 2:12.3) and that is when you really had to get courageous because (inaudible 2:16.7) 2 weeks. It can be a little bit (inaudible 2:21.5).

Jeremy Reeves: Sure, yeah, absolutely, nice. So is there anything -- how do you think a lack of courage, holds people back in their business.

Paul Durante: (inaudible 2:35.0) lack of courage they perhaps had a lack of belief in themselves.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay.

Paul Durante: I think there is a lot of people out there who have a lot (inaudible 2:43.8) to lot of courage but for whatever reason, they think that they cannot do it. By the way, the word can’t I do not like saying it, it is not really in my vocabulary you know (inaudible 2:55.5) because I read a study one time about word actually shuts you down.

If people say can’t you know, I can’t lose weight, I can’t do this, I can’t start my own business. It is over before you even began.

So I think there is a lot of people out there who you know have courage but they do still (inaudible 3:15.9) lot of belief and I think that is one you have to work on personal whether you know, you have some positive (inaudible 3:22.8) you have a mentor. You read some books. Once you have the belief, you can do a lot of things and perhaps you do not think you were capable of doing.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay. Do you think, do you think courage -- how do you think courage and confidence kind of relate to each other. Is it the same thing. Is it -- are there differences in that.

Paul Durante: You know, the word that I like to use is posture. I think a lot of people in business need to have a lot of solid posture. If you know that you know that you know, if you are really good at something like I am assuming if someone is going to be an entrepreneur they are going to know the subject matter and if you do not know the subject matter then you are going to have to do a lot of research and learn the subject matter, but assuming, assuming you really know your expertise (inaudible 4:09.0) to be able to say to someone (inaudible 4:16.0) I may not know this, but I really know this and when you have that kind of posture, when you have that kind of attitude, you conquer the world.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, definitely, and you know what, I know that in my own life. A lot of the times, that I you know, basically, let me bring you back to this. A lot of the biggest breakthroughs that I have had in my career have been from doing things where I was scared or nervous you know, to do it you know, and then I kind of push myself to challenge myself and do it and say, you know what, you just kind of get this done and a lot of those were some of the biggest breakthroughs that I have ever had you know.

So I definitely agree with that and I think it is you know, if you are only playing -- think about like weightlifting you know, the only way that you can get bigger and stronger is if you push yourself past what your currently comfortable doing you know.

If you are lifting you know, 50 pounds and then next year you are still lifting 50 pounds, you are going to be the exact same size, the exact same amount of strength that you can produce, that kind of thing you know, so I totally agree.

Paul Durante: Well, I think the word scared. I felt you know, a lot of people look at that as a negative. So I think you can turn that around and turn it into positive. Everybody gets scared. Everybody, when you try something new, you know, I can give you example after example of things that I have done in my past that I was scared to do first time. Bungee jumping, making the cold call. You know, the first time you do something like that you kind of get a little bit scared (inaudible 5:52.4) weightlifting great athletes before big game if they do not get nervous they are not human. If you are (inaudible 5:58.9) World Series and you are not a little bit scared, (inaudible 6:05.0) negative energy (inaudible 6:09.6) and you can actually be (inaudible 6:13.0) so I do not think anybody should be scared. I think what people should do is not (inaudible 6:20.9).

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah, absolutely and Paul you are breaking up just a little bit. I can kind of get on the words but some of them are kind of crackling a little bit I do not know if you (inaudible 6:29.6) like a window or anything like that, but just so you know.

Paul Durante: Okay, absolutely I am not sure why. Let me -- okay,

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah. It is coming (inaudible 6:38.6) a little bit, but anyway, not to break the you know, the flow too much.

So I guess, you know, tell us, give me an example of one or two of times in your business I mean it could be in any of your businesses or even client business or like any, just any examples that you have of when either you or that other person was you know, kind of scared to do something and they master up the courage to do it and it led to a big you know, big breakthrough in the business whether it is brand new or whatever it is.

Paul Durante: I will give you great example. My partner, Jay, who host the Ultimate Entrepreneur was made to star the show. I love to say that I am Robin and he is Batman.

So when I first met Jay, this kind of (inaudible 7:23.4) what we are talking earlier but when I first met Jay, I was just a fan from a distance. I was introduced to Jay via (inaudible 7:32.4) for years and I attended his (inaudible 7:36.7) and one day, I signed up for a program called Power Talk, which was a monthly CD with only interviewed various achievers and just 1 month I got the CD and he is talking about this guy, Jay Abraham. I have never heard of Jay Abraham and I listened to the CD so many times. I actually thought I had it memorized (inaudible 7:59.0) was memorized because the guy was you know, (inaudible 8:02.8) started it off by saying, Today, we are talking about sales and marketing and I (inaudible 8:06.0) okay that is great (inaudible 8:07.3) marketing entrepreneurship.

Then he began talking about how this young man, Jay Abraham is brilliant. He is genius. I have never really heard Tony talking such (inaudible 8:16.4) terms about somebody like that before. So he got my attention and then I listened to it and by the way, I would encourage anybody to grab that Power Talk CD in fact it is on our Ultimate Entrepreneur site that is like show 23 and 24. It is a 2 part show but that is the original -- Tony actually interviewed Jay, so I listened to this over and over again for about 2 weeks in the gym every morning and then I (inaudible 8:43.3) the courage and I called Jay and I did not get a hold of him right away. I talked to his assistant and said, listen, he does not know me, I am just a fan, I heard him on a Power Talk CD. I would like to talk to him. I have a business. I am trying to grow and after 3 to 4 days I finally got (inaudible 8:59.6) and Jay was very, very gracious. He gave me a lot of help, a lot of assistance for free by the way because that is the way he is and I began building this relationship with Jay from afar you know, I am in New York and he is in LA and then after about 6 months of him helping me grow my business, I had to go to LA on business and I said, Jay, listen, you have been helping me for 6 months, can we at least go for lunch, can I at least buy you lunch and so I went to his office and we ended up hanging out for 2 to 3 hours and it was so funny because I you know, he had no idea that I have background in media because we were talking about cruise ship business which you know, I have been talking about (inaudible 9:41.7) and so we almost talk about cruise ships and growing the cruise ship business and then at some point in the conversation I just looked at him and I said, have you ever had a TV show or have you ever had a radio show.

And he looked at me and kind of smile and said, there are people asked me that and the answer is no because I never had the right partner and I said, well, you do now.

And I told him about my extensive background in TV and radio and so we decided to do a pilot and so I literally took him you know, I flew back a couple of weeks later. We went to a little studio and we put together a demo. We sort of played the radio. Jay is amazing from stage you know if any (inaudible 10:22.3) Jay Abraham on stage, he takes questions from the audience and he does it in rapid fire you know, he does it in rapid-fire format and he is almost like a doctor, like a surgeon, he knows exactly what (inaudible 10:35.1)

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, he does.

Paul Durante: And so that is what we did on the radio. I have people phoned up and he had no idea of the questions that we are going to be asking him and he did it out of the park and it was unbelievable and so I (inaudible 10:49.0) this little demo, this little you know, 3 to 5 minute demo and I (inaudible 10:53.0) major media companies, ABC etc., etc. and everybody loved it and everybody saw the same thing you know, this was a great pilot you need to do it for real.

And so, to answer your question about being fearful, Jay and I, we sent a bunch of money and we rented (inaudible 11:12.4) 2 hours of airtime in Los Angeles on a Sunday and we did a 2-hour live show.

Now my background is in broadcast media but I have been on the air in quite a few years and he had never done a live 2-hour call show and believe me, there was more than a few butterflies in both of our stomach because we did not want to look like idiots and we have some big guests. We had FUBU founder Daymond (inaudible 11:38.1) We have Mark Cuban on, you know, Dallas Mavericks owner. Also from Shark Tank, we have Tony Robbins on. We have Brian Tracy on. So the 6 are really (inaudible 11:50.2) we had some really big name guests for our pilot plus we are taking a live calls and yeah we were scared, but we figured it out and we pulled it off.

Jeremy Reeves: Nice, yeah, I love that story and while you were talking it reminded me of -- I mean you know, we are talking about this. I am giant fan of Jay. I have -- Oh my God probably close (inaudible 12:12.9) he has ever done. I have that -- the thing he did (inaudible 12:16.3) 2 years ago something like that, the hard drive thing that he had. So I have heard thousand things and one of the things that always stuck on my mind is when he was just starting off, he would just go into businesses and ask, he just sit in the back in the room as they were like conducting their you know, business meetings and that is how he learned you know.

I can see it took a lot of courage from him because he was you know, just as young guy, and he was like, Hey, can I just kind of be in there as you guys you know, doing your thing and you know, it kind of the same thing and that is one of the things that really you know, he was just go in and analyze everything you know, his mind just soaks up everything in yes, so it is interesting you know, with that and I am firm believer that you know, the more -- the more things you do that you are uncomfortable with, the faster your growth is going to be you know. I am huge believer in that.

So let us switch gears a little bit. Tell me a little bit about your you know, the cruise industry and the business that you built and some of the things that you know, the marketing strategies that you used to grow that you know, tell us the story about that.

Paul Durante: Well, a long time ago, in my youth, I deejayed on a cruise ship you know, before I became a radio deejay and a television host, I spent a little bit of time travelling the world working in the night club of a cruise ship which was a lot of fun. Great way to get some tan and see the planet earth from other unique perspective and so I had a little bit of experience in the cruise ship industry but that was pretty much the extent of it.

And fast forward, many, many years, I had an opportunity to (inaudible 13:59.6) we were selling arts on cruise ships and that is the business that you know, I had a lot of expertise in the art world but opening up a business selling art on cruise ships you know, it is a very, very unique experience and that was actually the business that I called Jay about.

He helps me grow my business very, very rapidly and yeah, all businesses are unique and all businesses face challenges and you know, you have all kinds of ups and downs and so I would encouraged anybody starting a new business or somebody who has an existing business you know, you have to find yourself a mentor. For me, that was Jay Abraham.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, definitely. You know, if you are looking back sometimes it is a little bit easy to look back you know, than like when you are in the moment you know, what were some of the big, the things that helped you grow the fastest you know, because I am sure you are doing a lot of different strategies and tactics and things like that. What were like you know, maybe 1, 2, or 3 of the biggest things that have the you know, the biggest impact on your rapid growth.

Paul Durante: Yeah, that is easy. So looking back at my career and I would encourage anybody to do this now. I do not get paid by him. I do not get percentage from the sales but Tony Robbins changed my life. I remember, and this goes way back, this is when his program was still on because that is what I did (inaudible 15:22.8) you know 20 years ago and with my little walkman, if anybody remembers what that is, but if you put a cassette in a little walkman. I remember actually when I was radio deejay, after my show would end I would (inaudible 15:40.4) and I listened Tony Robbins for 45 minutes or however long it was and I obtained all the exercises and I wrote it all down and check the diary, kept the notes and I still review those notes from time to time.

So doing personal (inaudible 15:54.7) Tony Robbins you know certainly changed my life. I had to become a voracious reader you know like when you go to college or high school you are forced to read and I think a lot of people (inaudible 16:06.7) you know okay that is great no more education, I am done, but really (inaudible 16:11.7) and it is cliché to say but it is true. After you finished school that (inaudible 16:15.8) education (inaudible 16:16.6) So my career started to advance when I took the time and spent a little bit of money and try to improve myself and it all began with Tony Robbins and then I became a voracious reader.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay. Was there anything you know in your time, kind of being mentored by him and even Jay you know, whatever (inaudible 16:38.9) personally you know, because I am big -- I was just actually right before this, I was the one being interviewed for another podcast and he asked you know, the top 3 books that I you know, have had the biggest influence on me and you know, Jay’s book was actually number 1 that always is and you know --

Paul Durante: Which one.

Jeremy Reeves: The How to get everything, what is it, how to get everything you want from what you have or what is the -- yeah, you know what I mean. For some reason, it is on my book case you know, right in front of me but I cannot read it from here. How to get everything you -- the exact wordings not coming to me, but you know, it is what I am talking about but one of the you know, there is always like, I am huge believer in you know, you should read business books because you know, you learn the strategies, you learn the techniques and tactics for growing your business that kind of thing but then you also have to grow as a person.

I feel like the faster you grow personally, the faster your business is going to grow you know. So what was it about Tony stuff because he covers a lot of things. I am a huge fan of Tony as well. He covers a lot of different topics but you know, was there anything about what he teaches that really kind of catapulted your own like personal growth.

Paul Durante: Well, earlier Jeremy, we are talking about fear and you know, Tony taught me how to harness that fear. Tony taught me how to you know, if you follow Tony’s work, it is so much more than personal development.

Tony -- it is personal development, it is maturity, it is your physical body, it is your emotion, it is everything and you do not learn that kind of stuff in school. You just -- they do not teach that in high school. They do not teach that in college and so Tony taught me how to be really well rounded. Tony taught me how to think better.

By the way, my favorite book of all time, the book that I believe is the best business book I ever read which was actually not intended to be a business book is Dr. Gary Chapman’s The 5 Love Languages and if you go into a bookstore you will find that in the relationship section and The 5 Love Languages is actually a relationship book, it talks about the 5 basic needs that we all have which are quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation, gifts, (inaudible 19:15.2) but that book, I had given that book away many, many times like 10 times. In fact, I am also extending to order on Amazon every time I give it away, I buy another one.

And the reason why I recommended so highly is because business and (inaudible 19:34.1) is all about relationships and if you could understand the person you are speaking with now that could be somebody that you are in a relationship with, that could be somebody that you are working with, that could be somebody that you want to work with, it could be a complete stranger. That book taught me how to relate better with people and so I tell people all the time that if you are in a relationship by the book, if you are in business by the book, if you want to be in business, if you want to be in a relationship by the book.

Jeremy Reeves: Just buy it and do not ask questions.

Paul Durante: Yeah, and it is an easy read too.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, I have read it. I had -- me and my wife both read it and figured out what our was and all that kind of thing, it really does, I mean it makes a big, big difference you know. It really comes back to just understanding how other people work like understanding that not everybody thinks like you do. It took me -- it really hit me probably about 1-1/2 years ago that lesson you know, that like -- when you really truly understand that everybody thinks differently and when you can spot how they think and then talk to them in that way, it is I mean, just the impact of talking to people and the you know, the quality of relationships that you can build and the effectiveness that you can have when you are speaking to somebody is just, I mean it is absolutely just amazing and even you know, saving arguments and things like that like I mean just for example you know, my wife and I you know, if she is kind of (inaudible 21:01.7) about something and then -- instead of just like reacting instantly, and you know, I get mad, she gets mad whatever. If I actually sit and think about you know, hey, why don’t I put myself in her shoes for 2 seconds. It instantly diffuses the situation because then it is like, oh, yeah, I can see where you are coming from you know, how about we do this or how about you know, sorry I said this or you know, whatever the case is but it is pretty profound when you do that.

So I would recommend that too I actually never -- I never thought of that book in that way but now that you say it, I can see -- actually I might go back and re-read with that kind of frame you know.

Paul Durante: Well, first of all, I am impressed (inaudible 21:39.5) second of all I am impressed that you have implemented the principles and (inaudible 21:45.3) I would encourage you to go back and re-read it and read it in a you know, (inaudible 21:50.3) and I will give you an example and this is you know, this is just off the top of my head but you know, (inaudible 21:58.3) you know, Dr. Chapman calls one of 5 Love Languages and you could always tell when somebody’s physical touch by the way, they shake your hands.

If somebody you know, if somebody when you shake their hand and they give you the 2 hand shake you know, they put 1 hand on top of the other or maybe they escort you into the office and they just touch your shoulder a little bit and they escort you, you know that (inaudible 22:20.3) physical touch.

Jeremy Reeves: Sure, yeah.

Paul Durante: And if somebody compliments you because you know, the principles of the book are or the (inaudible 22:28.4) principle behind the book -- and so if you can give it to them first it gets them to like you that much faster.

Jeremy Reeves: Yes.

Paul Durante: If somebody -- if you meet somebody and they are very complimentary, hey I really like your suit, hey, I really love your brief cause. You know that they are words of affirmation. So you get back. I am telling you it is one of the best -- it was not intended to be business book. What I am telling you it is one of the best business books of all time.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, serious thing. I am definitely -- that is going to be -- I am putting that (inaudible 22:58.2) the top of my list again and I mean honestly, if you think about it, it is kind of like, like a lot with (inaudible 23:04.1) it is a lot like that like just mirroring other people you know what I mean, but you are doing it in a way that they naturally respond like you are not mirroring their breath or their you know movements, but you are mirroring their whatever you would call you know, how they look at the world essentially you know.

Paul Durante: Yeah, you are mirroring who they are.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. I love that.

Paul Durante: And you have to do it with sincerity. If (inaudible 23:28.5) sincerity, they will know.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. That is a good point. That is a good point. But, yeah, that is interesting.

By the way, the book was -- I had to look it up because it was bothering me, Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You’ve Got.

So let us see, let’s wrap it up with the final question. What are the things -- I was like to -- I am always interested you know, because a lot of people talk about their successes, but I always like to know you know, kind of frustrations and things like that and even how you overcame them. So, if you are looking back over your career and you can pick any part in your career. It could be the very beginning when you are just starting. It could be like that point when things are starting to take off. It could be you know, now when you are kind of at the pinnacle and you know, there are still little things that frustrate you and challenges that you are facing you know.

What are one or two of the biggest frustrations or challenges that you faced in your business and how did you -- how did you look at it and kind of see like, okay, you know, this is -- this is a problem we have to fix this you know, how did you fix the you know, the big challenge and the frustration.

Paul Durante: Jeremy, that is the million dollar question. I have failures and challenges every single day and people -- if people tell you they do not have failures and challenges every single day then they are probably lying to you.

Business and life can be filled with challenges. So, you know, failures, Oh my gosh, you know, if this show was like a 7-hour show I still need more time to talk about all my failures and same thing with challenges. I think you know, I think how I would rather answer the question is the way I look at it now you know, now after doing this for a little while, I am a little bit more seasoned. I think you have to look at (inaudible 25:22.2) perspective (inaudible 25:23.7).

You know, when you look at something like when you look at a failure, when big (inaudible 25:29.1) did anybody die you know, hopefully the answer is no. If you are in business and nobody die, well, okay, then you are going to live to see another day and new ones as well like when somebody gets -- I think the biggest challenge is that I have had, had come you know, when I am working with someone and really you are working with somebody you know, if you are in business, you are dealing with customers, clients, partners every single day and you have to understand that you know, as you said earlier you know, people do not always see things the way you see them and you have to take a setback and you have to you know, (inaudible 26:05.7) 30,000 foot view from above and look down at the big picture and you have to realize you know, perspective like is this really big deal and often times it is not.

You know, even when there is a major catastrophe in the (inaudible 26:20.3) like when you are going to die when you are 100 years old and you are looking back at your life you know, are you going to look back and go oh my gosh, it was such a terrible thing that happened to me, probably not you know, so I think that what people need to realize is that perspective (inaudible 26:35.8) can really play a key role in their happiness and in their success because really, you know it is like that old book, do not (inaudible 26:42.2) small stuff and it is all small stuff that should really (inaudible 26:45.4).

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, definitely, I love it. Absolutely and it is funny. I actually did something similar actually this week, that you know, something was bothering me, it was like, ah, you know what, the end of the world is coming and then I kind of sat and I was like you know what, it is really not you know, it is not even, it is really not a big deal you know, the grand scheme things and it is funny when you flipped the switch like that how fast you mindset changes you know, you could be sitting there like you know, sitting depressed you cannot get to move any work on and you cannot focus and then once you have that one thought you can sit there for 2 days you have that one thought like, hey you know what, it is really not a big deal you know, I am going to look back from this you know, next week I probably would not remember about this you know, let alone next month or year or 10 years or whatever obviously that depends on the size of the thing that you are going through but it is funny once that thought hits your brain, it is just you instantly feel better you know, so I think people should you know, I mean create yourself a note you know. I do not have a good quote off the top of my head I wish I did but you know, think of some kind of good quote, look up good quotes about like kind of flipping your minds then looking at things you know, it is not a big deal you know and then every time you feel like that just open your drawer and look at it to remind yourself because it is easy to fall into that trap of like you know, you fall and you are like the downward spiral where you are feeling bad and then you (inaudible 28:11.6) it is hard to kind of get out of that you know that pit you know but anyway yeah so.

Hey Paul, it was a pleasure having you on here, it was really interesting hearing your story and how you work with Jay and what you are doing in your life and you know, the whole lot of thing about courage, that was a big thing for me and I think honestly the biggest thing for me was the you know, The 5 Love Languages and re-looking at that at a different you know, different view point, that is going on my to do list. As soon as we get off the phone here.

So I hope everybody realizes how impactful that is like when you just understand people especially you know, this is you know, it is going to make more of an impact obviously like a one-on-one or even in the small group setting but you can -- there are a lot of insights you can take from that you know, kind of mass marketing like for emailing people if you are talking to groups of people that kind of thing. Just understanding you know, looking at it through their viewpoint you know, it can make a dramatic difference in the way that you impact people, and the way that you can persuade people and everything else you need to do in business to help grow and succeed but anyway, so I really appreciate you coming on here.

Before you get off, tell everybody you know, how can they get in touch with you if they want to you know, do whatever you want them to do.

Paul Durante: Well, I appreciate that yeah, just sort of (inaudible 29:36.7) the whole thing. You know, everybody is self-centered. Everybody cares about themselves more than they care of other people but if you look on yourself all the time, you are not going to get a lot done and people are not going to like you (inaudible 29:50.6) absolutely right. Put the other people you know, put the other person first you know, Jay you know, Jay likes talking about adding value, Jay always says he wants to add a value first and he also talks about never doing anything for money.

Not like if you are doing something for money you are doing it wrong, what you want to be doing is you want to be helping people. If you help enough people then the money will come and so you know, I like to use the word serving Jay uses the term adding value but yeah if you are serving and adding value, things are going to work out and I appreciate you asking for my contact information. I would encourage everybody please to go to our show The Ultimate Entrepreneur (inaudible 30:37.6) has a great website called just like it sounds and our show was just like it sounds.  We have got a lot of really great content their you know, Mark Cuban (inaudible 30:57.6) Daymond John, and Tony Robbins some people that you have not heard off but were brilliance in business.

So our content information is there and people can also reach in by email (inaudible 31:08.8)

Jeremy Reeves: Perfect, yeah, and as always, we will have everything that he just mentioned in the show notes so if it is hard to write all that down just go in the show notes and click and the link in there and you will go -- you will go right there, it is a lot easier.

Yeah, Paul, I really appreciate you coming on and we will talk to you soon.

Paul Durante: That is great. Thanks Jeremy.

Jeremy Reeves: Sure, you too.