In this episode, I interview Navid Moazzez, who is known as THE go-to guy if you're creating a virtual summit to increase your credibility, exposure, email list and most importantly, revenue. We get deep into why virtual summits are just as good as writing a book, exactly how to set one up for your business, and several different monetization strategies you can use to maximize the profit you make from your summit.
Regardless if you want to create a summit you should listen to this episode, as MANY of the topics we discuss are easily transferable to various areas of your business!
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Jeremy Reeves: Hey guys, Jeremy Reeves here with another episode of the sales funnel mastery podcast and today I have a very special guest on the line, his name is and you might have to correct me here, Navid Moazzez.

Navid Moazzez: Wow, that is pretty good like molasses.

Jeremy Reeves: Like almost like molasses but Moazzez. So Navid he is, he is an interesting guy. So he is kind of recent into this. He got started in 2014 and built his business really, really quickly. He basically -- he specializes in showing people how to promote and profit from their own virtual summits. So you have probably heard me in the bunch of different summits. I just saw him last week (inaudible 0:47). So Navid, he is the guy to go to if you are going to you know, promote one of these or host one of these and he shows you how to essentially maximize it, get the most opt-ins out of it, get the most profit out of it and grow really quick. It is basically what he did to build his own business showing other people how to do this really quickly.

So then you can find him at and I will put a link in there obviously because it is a little bit hard to spell.

So the link will be in the show notes as usual.

So Navid, welcome to the show.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, thanks so much man. You know, I remember (inaudible 1:26) you for my first summit, the branding summit in 2014 and since then you know, I -- obviously been seeing you. My business took off a little bit since then so you know I got to thank you publicly here for being part of that because that was really you know, my call to fame so to speak, even though you know, correct you a little bit, I started out with my blog like 2013 but it was not really a business until I did the summit late 2014 I think, it really skyrocketed to you know, (inaudible 1:54) 6-figure business and grow my email list rapidly as well.

Jeremy Reeves: Nice, nice, yeah. I remember you reaching me out, reaching out to me to be on that. I remember doing that whole you know, that whole thing, it went really well for you, you know, obviously.

So yes, I guess you know, go into, go a little bit you know deeper with some of the things you have done and you know, I know you have been kind of talk about all over the place anymore, I see your name coming up more and more as a kind of you know, doing various things online you know, you seem show up -- I see your face a lot more often than I was you know, year ago.

So tell us your story a little bit you know, how you got started and I know you have kind of briefly just deep into it, but --

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, yeah, sure. I mean, as I mentioned, I started out in 2013 pretty much after a really horrible -- something that happened to my entire family when my brother passed away and I have been talking a lot about starting my online business you know, like even since 2012, I got a mentor and you know I started reading a lot of books and you know finding out about this whole community of online business owners you know (inaudible 2:58) entrepreneurs and then in 2013, you know after this happened to my brother, I was just okay now, I really have to get started.

I have been talking so much about it and I simply since I did not really have any expertise I mean a law school dropout so I did not really have that much in terms -- I did not want to talk about that at all you know in business you know I was kind of depressed by not doing that much (inaudible 3:22) in my law school studies. I decided after you know, starting my blog you know, a few months into it that I would simply just talk about my entrepreneurial journey like (inaudible 3:32) people like Pat Flynn (inaudible 3:34) in the beginning just to get more experience. I was just interested in these topics like how they built their business and then I heard a lot of people say to me, Hey Navid you got to start a podcast and you know John Lee Dumas had something to do with this like I was in his community initially and you know, he had his podcast that is going well, I thought okay this is going to take my business to another level too and I did that, build great relationships you know that was always good but it did not grow, my email (inaudible 4:03) and I did not generate a lot of cash flow in my business a lot of revenue, so I have to kind of --

I think it was in spring 2014 or so, I was like thinking about okay, how can I you know, get my business to another level.

When I started seeing this virtual summits or virtual conferences popping up all the time, kind of the health industry, I saw a few in online marketing space and I decided to kind of go all in you know, I did not have any experience just like when I started my site with doing interviews. I did not have experience there, so I decided to learn how to set up all the tech. How to go about you know, interviewing people for it and how to structure you know, kind of relevant for you guys like the funnel, like how to actually maximize the summit itself and then I launched it in November 2014 you know with -- you know before that I had like thousand people on my email list you know, after 18 months of hard work and then I did the summit, you were there Jeremy and a lot of people as well and it just took off like I got about 3000 people signed up for it and $20,000 in profit, build some amazing relationships with all these people and then people in my audience you know, how I got into teaching people about this.

They asks me question about like how did you do your summit. How did you get speakers on board. How did you promote it and that was just my aha moment, okay maybe I should create a pilot program around you know, create (inaudible 5:32) profit from virtual summits and that is kind of what got me to this point like taking my business just took off after that (inaudible 5:39) getting clients, getting results for them and then launching my flagship program, virtual summit mastery.

Jeremy Reeves: Nice, yeah, I love it, I love it. So it is kind of the you know, then it kind of happens a lot of people in business you know, you try something, and it works so well then you teach other people you know, how to do this --

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, I mean, as I said to you like, I did like the branding summit kind of like now that I think back, I would not fully have done like a branding summit, it was good, it was like, I think my (inaudible 6:07) 88 speakers on there and if you are thinking about doing the summit, you do not need like 88 or like (inaudible 6:12) on recently though (inaudible 6:14) it is just crazy that (inaudible 6:16) I did not want to break the Guinness World Records so they are like at 65 hour live stream or something and then like total 100 interviews which is just crazy, you do not need that but that is a hook if you are doing more broad topic like (inaudible 6:28) you have a lot of different topics within there, I did the branding summit but I could have broken that down into potentially many different topics like public speaking, create online courses, list fielding, sales funnel, whatever that would be and then have like only experts on these topics and that is probably the (inaudible 6:45) I would go today. Let us say I want to position myself around sales funnel or whatever I would do a summit around that and that is you know, also like, I positioned myself as a virtual summit guy and that is so much more specific than being (inaudible 7:01) personal branding strategist if you know what I mean you know. I make way more money because I am bringing niche in specific.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, definitely, definitely. So before we get in the summit like the you know, the exact like okay, you know, here is step 1 and step 2 that kind of thing. Most entrepreneurs everybody listening to this you know, the is always so many things on our to do list you know, we have to do this, we have to do the next thing, the next project you know, a month away, the one after that is like you know, 6 weeks away whatever.

So what would you tell us if someone had said, hey, you know, like why should I do this you know, how is this actually going to help me when there is 85 billion other things that I can be doing. What is the reason I should be doing this one.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah man, I can just tell you from like someone is starting out I mean, I had like a decent -- I mean I have like 900 or 1000 people on my list so I can just tell you from that experience like pretty much starting out, you can expect to grow your list by a few thousand people with doing a summit.

I grew my list with around 3000 people and that was just my first summit, getting $20,000 in profit and that enabled me to quit my job and move abroad and get this freedom whatever that is to you. You definitely get you know, decent success, even if you are just starting out and like, like create fans I mean I have some people on my list but they turned into (inaudible 8:19) lifelong customers you know.

I have a lot of those people who got in for my summit who purchase let’s say I promote an affiliate product. I promote my own courses and they buy into that and then also how you leverage the summit afterwards is the key like you can let’s say after what I did I -- you know, not only like move abroad, started travelling more.

I became an affiliate for let’s say Ramit Sethi I promoted him in January of 2015 just a month afterwards and you know became his number 1 affiliate you know, built a relationship with him just from doing my summit having a decent size email list of 3500 people managed to become his number 1 (inaudible 8:58) you know, many other big names, they have much bigger email list than me.

So that is something you can do (inaudible 9:04) $40,000 in sales in January 2015 from this small email list which is kind of crazy looking back and then getting featured on the sites like Business Insider, you know, getting a lot of views and subscribers from there, because if I just sat down and like, okay, my summit was a success and just thinking I am not going to have to do any work after it. The summit is just the beginning. It is just like getting people in and then you need to leverage the summit because now you might have something to share with people I mean I have you know, great success with it and then getting featured on other publications.

This is also something I have seen not only me, but also from clients, there are, you know, seeing a lot of things happened afterwards. Getting featured on podcast. Getting more exposure as you mentioned. You see me more frequently now popping out, I mean, that is -- you know, the reason I got you know, the exposure from this summit. I need it to take my business to the next level.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, definitely. And you know, I was thinking, as you were saying that, it is very similar to why you would write a book you know, you do it for the credibility, you do it like you do not use the book to make money I mean, people that you know, do it and a broke do that you know, really, you write the book to get the exposure and get the credibility and then you know, also like to help build your email list that kind of thing and then you use that like it is the spring board to then build your list.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, for sure. What I love also about virtual summit is that you do not really have to be the expert. I will share to you (inaudible 10:30). For me, I was not really, I mean I was having some experience with online marketing (inaudible 10:34) before I did a branding summit but I was not that expert. People really called to me, I mean, I still struggle before my summit and I just was like, I researched, like interview these people and brand myself association.

I did not have to be the expert, I just gathered those people together on this amazing event and like you know feature them there and then people started to trust me more. It is just like, I was seen next to Neil Patel, John Lee Dumas, you were on there, and a lot of all other people as well and they just leverage my brand moving forward. That is one way why you would do it or it can be the other side of the spectrum like (inaudible 11:10) all this self publishing success summit. I helped them with, you get almost 30,000 opt-ins or you know, and he also got beyond $70,000 in revenue.

That is like, if you already have let’s say a 6-figure business, you want to do the summit around your topic of expertise. In his case, with self-publishing to get people into a high-end program and at the end of the funnel. So you are getting people first maybe to sign up for free and then get them on for double access pass that might be $97 and then at the end of the summit, you sell them on your high-end program and that is what we did to kind of maximize the virtual summit there so we are getting like $120,000 in sales for just the summit itself like double access pass and then an additional $200 some thousand on his course which is yesterday a fantastic way if you already have a business, you have courses and you do a summit to kind of market your course and get people in there.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay, nice. That is pretty impressive 30,000 people you know.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, 30,000. I mean I have 12,500 on this list before we did the summit and now every time I see something on Facebook what they are doing, they are always hiring. They did -- I think last year, $1.5M in sales and now it is just growing very rapidly for them because (inaudible 12:23) 12,500 on their list and now they have over 100,000 with facebook ads and so on because they got a lot of the people who promoted his summit.

They also now (inaudible 12:33) to promote this course because they saw them out of success and the amount of value they are providing during the summit and just an easier way to get people kind of to start promoting you as you know, if you have speakers, but also other partners because it is such a great event you know, you are promoting something for free and then you can still make money on the backend.

Jeremy Reeves: I love it, I love it, yeah. There is a lot of -- there is a lot of -- I have a concept called Newton’s Trade (inaudible 12:59) it is kind of like you do one thing and it moves several different things throughout your business you know versus like --

Navid Moazzez: I love it. It is just like -- imagine you are promoting a free event and you see, okay, it is not like the biggest thing for you know, big influence, say okay, you got to promote this, you are going to make $50 per sale, but let us say, you have something in the backend, now we are talking about someone who you know, during the summit, they have 6 to 7 figure business and they have like already applaud where they can make you know, up to maybe $500 to $1000 per sale then now we are talking. They can make a lot of money from just promoting this free event because there is a course in the backend that is converting well, you know what I mean.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So you know, it is -- so I have never done one of these. So this is actually coming from someone who has never done it. You know, when I am thinking about it and it is like okay let’s start a virtual summit whatever in April right.

You know, we are recording this on March 28. So, in my head right now, I am thinking, oh my God, this has to be a ton of work, you know. Talk about a little bit like, what are kind of -- some of the steps that you have to do to actually get it done and some of the ways that you help people kind of reduce that overwhelm.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, I think there is something to it that is like, if you want to do a summit (inaudible 14:20) exposure and we are talking about like getting great results from it, you have to keep in mind that you should not start the summit. You should not say okay, I am going to do summit in April and it is March right now. Probably you want to have a lead -- you want to have a lead up time honestly like if you want to do it well -- for (inaudible 14:37) is a really big summit.

I just mentioned you just have about 2 months to do it because we have a decent team but it was still pretty stressful to do everything. We could have probably done more honestly to get you know, you get better results than that, but we did not have I would say to someone who has like experience with online marketing, you know your tools and so on, you can probably do it in around 3 months or so.

If you have like a total newbie, there is a lot of things to learn. I would say I am just going to be honest like give yourself a 3 or 4 months lead up time and if you are thinking about it like you need to build relationships with people in order to you know get people not only on board for a summit, that would mean get them on as speakers, that is one thing, but also may be even getting them on board to promote the summit to their most valuable asset which is the email list and if you are only getting them on board in order to promote it feels very transactional you know, if you are building the relationship in one earlier stage where it is like okay you are adding value because you do not really expect anything in return then it feels more natural at least I like this approach better because I build relationship now for quite a long time. So if I would invite you on a summit Jeremy it would be more natural for you to say yes because I have been you know, we have been talking over you know, I have been on your podcast now and so on. It is just easier to get people on and also get maybe even to promote to their list if you know what I mean there.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, definitely, because I can even imagine you know, I mean, I even do it on podcast and stuff, I mean there is a difference. I can see a difference in terms of who promotes it like how well they promote it you know, like some people just do not do anything, some people will you know put like you know, and I am talking about like guest on my podcast.

Some will just put it on whatever Twitter or Facebook whatever their social media thing is.

And then other people will blast out their whole list sometimes several times and usually the people who do that, I have already have the relationship with, I already know them.

Navid Moazzez: Exactly.

Jeremy Reeves: Yes, I can see that. Yeah, because I mean, you know, a huge part of the success I would imagine, you can correct if I am wrong, comes from your guest promoting it you know because --

Navid Moazzez: If you are new to this and you do not have like maybe you do not a lot of contact list in the media or something like it, yes, you will rely quite a bit on the speakers and also maybe if you are getting some promotional partners (inaudible 17:02) speakers I would say, but it is not like, if you are starting out, you can definitely get people to share if you are falling and creating a really good summits we can get into maybe a few steps here.

The first thing I would say is like being clear or what it’s going to be about like your profitable virtual summit idea or theme as (inaudible 17:20) to call it so. I mentioned a little bit in the beginning like it is better if it is specific, if it’s narrow focus like, in your case you can just sum it on sales funnels for example.

I think that could do well, you know, I think you also have the experience on it but like bringing people on board to talk about this specific topic maybe more of like case study format (inaudible 17:40) like more actionable not just even though I mean podcasting just can be like that but I have seen -- if you go to itunes you see a lot of podcast that are just pretty much just their story their entire time you know I mean, I am trying to share you know, when on podcast usually depending on what it is I am trying to share (inaudible 17:58) things you can actually implement in your business and if you want to do your summit then that is the main thing when it comes to actually doing virtual summit interviews or presentations whatever you like to have on your summit. That is actionable information, because you are actually selling this I mean, you are putting a limited availability on the interviews or presentations when they go live during your summit and that is also (inaudible 18:21) urgencies you get people to purchase, but if the content is bad or crappy, like that is not going to help you. That is not going to build your brand.

So you need to have this really good information on your summit and that also -- speaking of that you do not need to work as much about like yes, you need to ask the speakers to share, yes you need to make it easy for them, but if you focus first and foremost on the content and make it really, really epic on your summit like you know, researching the guest, making sure you know, you cover the most interesting angles on this topic and you know really step by step then they are going to be more likely to share it with their list too and they are doing their audience disservice by not sharing it on set.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, they really are, yeah. I totally agree. So just in case you know, I know how these things make you know, make revenue you know, because I am familiar with them, I have been through them you know, that kind of thing.

Just for somebody who does not actually know they are like okay, well you get a whole bunch of speakers to talk you know, how do you actually make money.

Why don’t you everybody through you know, how this actually makes money you know and then like any kind of you know expert tips at any kind of things that you found that work the best that kind of maximizing the profit, the actual sales funnel for building one of these things.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, that is interesting. I would like to talk about this so this is like okay, so we have first our landing page, you might have seen those. You go to landing page for the summit. You have the speakers on there. You have a great call to action you know, in the top section, there is (inaudible 19:52) synopsis really clear. That is why it is important that it is a specific topic if you just have a broad topic you might get a lower conversion rate from the landing page.

So you go there, you sign up for free typically and you know maybe you start promoting the summit 3 weeks out something like this to your own list and then the affiliates and speakers they start promoting it around 2 weeks before and then when someone signs up from the landing page for free they go to typically a thank you page which is kind of a modified sales page I would like to call it but it is -- the only reason is because you have -- you can have a video there, you can thank people thanks for signing up and you can have like these 3 steps, and you are like telling them, hey check your inbox for an email you know with a details but then below you have information to purchase an all access pass which is pretty much consists of the interviews which can be prerecorded if you have done that you should already have the interviews in the membership area which is pretty easy how to separate membership area for the buyers or if it is a live summit, you can like, just provide that afterwards, I mean, I have been kind of having a high-breed between live and prerecorded. So I have some stuff live like a hangouts and so on in the typical thing, people can purchase on this page for $97 or like a pretty low commitment to purchase access to everything because people know they probably can have time to watch everything during that such a concentrated period of time during the summit so they rather purchase, that is the urgence we are talking about here and irresistible offer so that is kind of the initial phase, like that is -- you can generated hundreds of sales or you know quite a lot of sales before your summit starts by just implementing this simple thing.

A lot of people do not do it. They do not have this on the thank you page. That is kind of -- I mean in the sales funnel, this is a little bit more expensive trip by our offer so to speak.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay, got you.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, I mean that is the same, that is the easiest I can explain it to people and your audience, more like $97. I would not sell it for -- I mean you could do that too if you want it to have like you know, maybe you can have test it, I have not tested this but you can (inaudible 22:00) sell it for like $7 or $10 and then you can like have another upsell to the other summit, I have not tested it, but overall, it works really well to just have around $97 mark and then get people in there and they market the summit via email you know, when to start.

So it is not like, if people do not purchase there right away, they can still check out the into use and everything for free during your summit, during this like 48-hour period or whatever you choose to have your (inaudible 22:28) available from when they go live.

So it is still an opportunity in your email to sell and most of this sales they do happen in the emails like when you raise the price, you know, you might raise the price mid through the summit to you know, $147 or $197 and then afterwards like as I mentioned if you have a product you can have that product like you are selling that at the end of your summit and that is how you maximized this funnel.

You are getting great sales from the all access pass but also from let us say, a higher end product which is could be from $1,000 to $2,000 price range and that is like -- you can really you know, get 75% of your revenue there almost if you are doing it the right way.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay, got you. Have you ever, have you ever because I have seen some summit and some of the things that came through my mind was you know, what if all these interviews are, because you know, a lot of people they go on webinars and like you were saying before, podcast and it is like the story the whole time, there is really no other, they are just talking about themselves for an hour you know, and I am in the same way, I hate that you know, that is like when I interview people, you could tell like we kind of go into your story really quick, because it is important to understand their background but then you get into like okay, what do we do.

So have you ever tested something where either right upfront or for people who did not buy like maybe sell it for whatever a week and then after that to the people who did not buy say, Hey, I know you might be a little bit hesitant about it, maybe you think this is one of those you know, other summits you may have tried where it is all like fluff and theory and blah.. blah.. and you give them like a free, not a free trial but a like low price trial.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, that is a good observation. The only thing is that people do have the chance to actually check out the into use for free. If they are like, okay, they are very unsure I mean, if they have been following let us say my summits for a while they will know what to expect, but let us say you are new and you know, (inaudible 24:30) warning like some summits they can just be this fluffy information, you do not know like it is not the format so what I say to all my students is to really think about -- like you what is the best courses -- I have a step by step framework or system to it, so I like to have kind of -- I called it like phases or steps or themes or pillars or something like that.

So you kind of have a thought on process what your summit going to be about and then it is also easier to let us say put the speakers on (inaudible 24:57) so for self-publishing success (inaudible 24:59) writing, marketing, publishing, and monetizing. That was our you know steps or themes we have and then we put the speakers under theirs.

So that was our phases, we have the speakers (inaudible 25:10) so it was a bit easy to have the writing phase, and marketing, and publishing, and then the monetizing and that is really how we made it very (inaudible 25:19) okay you are going to expect this information. If I am interested in writing, I am going to check out this, so that is kind of how we, how we structure the summit and that is how I do it myself now as well.

I did kind of a little bit like this for my first summit but I just improved upon this and I saw way more success when I started to really being thoughtful about the process of actually getting people through the summit and even if they do not check out everything in the membership area it can look like a course when they are purchasing it you know, they get a bonuses and they get the interviews.

It is not like 150 interviews in a membership site, it is like ready thought out so they can actually go the section I want to learn about how to write a book. I want to learn how to market it. I want to learn how to monetize it. They go there like a course. So that is what I tend to do.

Jeremy Reeves: Nice, I like it. It sounds like you have the whole thing very you know, like you said, very planned and very thought out like each step is very intuitive. Nice, I like it.

So how about you know, so there is -- for monetizing, if there is a course that they can buy and then you were talking before about I think it was coaching that you sell afterwards was that right, talk us a little about --

Navid Moazzez: Yes, you can. It does not have to be like in (inaudible 26:33) case he had like a high-end course it can be like, you might not have that yet, maybe you are starting out and you are like doing your summit, you want to grow your list, you want to generate some money from the summit itself but you are getting like people on the list (inaudible 26:48.0)you can survey them and like find out what their pain points are and that is just how you can like get into their head you can like what I did in myself, I heard what people were talking about, they -- I mean I just tested like a hangout, a live hangout. I have some friends (inaudible 27:02.6) like about my process creating this branding summit and a lot of people on this kind of hangout they just started asking me question. They were very interested and then I just launch a pilot program during my summit pretty much and that is one way.

A pilot program could be less expensive. You can get people in before you even spent anytime creating the product yourself. I did not spend money. I did not spend you know have all this (inaudible 27:26.1) figure out. I just have -- okay, I have this knowledge I can for sure create something and then (inaudible 27:31.8) you know took a few months that I deliver some content to them but they were already aware of that because they got in (inaudible 27:39.1) expensive rate for the pilot.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay, nice. So how about let us just say that somebody is doing this for the first time. I know you, you are like you know, if you did another one you know, next month or whatever like you already have a big list, you may have connections so it is easy to start getting the word out.

Do you have any tips for people who maybe this is their first time or basically you know, if they do not have a lot of convictions and relationships and a big list themselves already you know, is there anything that they can do, obviously you know, I should back this up by saying you know, clearly if it is your first time, you are not going to do as well as if you already have all these stuff, I mean that is kind of --

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, I mean that says itself, but without being said, you can get it to success (inaudible 28:27.7) like starting pretty much from scratch. If you have 0 or 100 subscribers, pretty much, I guess the same thing I mean, I have students of mine that gone from pretty much 0 to like few thousand subscribers by just doing their summit and being very thoughtful with their approach of how they are like approaching speakers. So first of all we can talk about this first, how to get speakers when you are starting from scratch.

Really, I mean building this relationship up you can like being on their radar a little bit but really you might know someone like you might know someone that you can reach out to maybe you have heard their podcast, you can given them a compliment for you know, this episode or whatever it might be and then you are building this relationship slowly then you have something to ask. It can go pretty quickly to build enough (inaudible 29:13.4) relationship with that person so you can ask for them to be on a summit you know that is what I found with a lot of students.

A video invitation worked really well because it is like some people do not take a time to do that honestly.

So if you can be someone that stands out and do video invitation you have a very good chance of them saying yes especially if you like keep it to 1 to 2 minutes just keep it in their like why do you really want this person on your summit, why do you really want to interview them, why they are such a great fit to be a speaker.

So that is just a few great ways to just reach out to someone even it is cold they are more likely to say yes but then if you -- I called it the ladder strategy so if you know someone, you start with people on the bottom you know and then you work yourself up the ladder.

So let us say you have you know, maybe someone on your level or a few steps ahead, maybe start with this person, they might know someone you know up the ladder like a Brian Tracy or John Lee Dumas or whatever niche that might be and then you have people all of a sudden social proof so when you are starting doing a little bit more cold outreach let us say you are doing a little bit cold outreach for a summit usually at least a handful of people you might not have the best connection to then they are very likely to say yes because you have that social proof already in your email and then they can name drop a few people. I mean you mentioned to me when I reached out for an expert (inaudible 30:36.0) good name dropping here something like that.

So that stuff matters because they can relate to those names. They might be friends with them. So this is just getting people on board and then we can talk about how to get them to promote.

Jeremy Reeves: Okay, yeah, and what you are just said, I do not want anybody to scheme over the importance of what you just said. That is really, really powerful. And I have a couple examples of that, so when I do podcast and I have guest and you will see you know after this, I always say like in my email that I send people right before the podcast goes live, I will always say, Hey, by the way, do you know anybody else, you know, that might be interested being on the podcast and then you know, they list off whatever one, two, three people and then I email those people and say, Hay, you know, (inaudible 31:20.5) just told me that you might be interested. He was just in my podcast, you can listen to the episode here. If you are interested let me know blah.. blah.. I would love to interview and the response rate is so much higher than when we do like you know direct outreach to people that we do not know.

So that is one thing if you want just for any kind of podcasting or like just getting in touch with somebody for you know some kind of interview or whatever it is or in this case.

Another one is we also do that with affiliates. So that is a really good affiliate marketing strategies doing that same principle you know, start with the C players get a couple of them, get them good results and then you go up and you start name dropping the C players to the B players you know and people that they know and then you know, you work your way up to A you know, to the people that you are really trying to you know, trying to get.

Navid Moazzez: It is powerful. It sounds simple to do it but people do not really do that. I am in a lot of podcast and like very few people do this exactly what you said. They can ask me, hey Navid, do you know someone that would be a great fit for this podcast or like in this case like when you get someone on board for your summit let us say you have done a great interview with someone for your summit then you can ask them, Hey, I mean especially, not a specific name though, you should ask just for like, do you know someone who would be a great fit for the summit not ask for (inaudible 32:43.3) then they think you will only have the (inaudible 32:45.9) you definitely do not want to come across (inaudible 32:49.0) this guy. I mean I have had that happened before someone asked me for the introduction let us say to Ramit Sethi because they have seen pictures with me and Ramit because we met up like that is just not cool I think.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. I know there is a guy Joe Polish in the marketing industry and he is really close with Richard Branson, and you know, Richard Branson is probably -- but so he said he gets request every single day about an interaction with Richard Branson. I hate it, he is like when people ask me that and I do not know them, I instantly do not like them because they are just using me to get to you know, to Richard. It does not you know, it does not make you feel good when people do that.

Navid Moazzez: Exactly, I mean that is for sure. That is a great point there as well. It’s actually you can get people on the summit by just doing this leveraging people maybe in your network or even just being authentic with your approach like if you feel like you do not know them, do video stand out in their eyes you know. Be someone who take action on what they share on their blog. If you are in their course or community, take action. Be someone who stands out. That is how simply can be to get on their radar because that is all you need to like, get them to initially maybe say yes to be on a summit and then we can get to how to get them to promote.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, baby steps.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, exactly and I mean, I am happy to get into a little bit how I, you know, I do not get everyone to promote, I can just be honest with them and that is very hard to get everyone to promote, but just by you know, we are talking about content, content is the key. If you have a great interview, have a great connection with them (inaudible 34:23.7) you are more likely to get them to promote but that is all about -- I do not require them to promote, I do not (inaudible 34:29.7) like a contract or (inaudible 34:32.0) have a fine line there where you know, you got to promote at least 2 times their email list. I do not do this. I focus on their relationship first and foremost and I do ask them, it is really important to ask them but there is a fine line there, you do not like push them to promote, if they say okay I cannot, I have this launch coming up, I cannot promote. Usually that is okay, especially if you are starting out. You should not focus on this now. I have a bigger audience I can say I can leverage that I would get 20,000 to 30,000 people on the summit.

So that would be you know, good exposure for any speaker pretty much and then they are more likely to share it out but for someone new, focus on the content and that makes it super easy for them to promote (inaudible 35:12.5) anyway but you know, I have (inaudible 35:14.2) with affiliates you should have the slide copy for them. Images, graphics does really well when you have these banners with their you know, face on it, really important to have that. They are more likely I do not know how much more likely but usually everyone we have done this or shared at least on social media if you have a graphic with their face because you took their time and create this and then having like you know, good communication. I think it is all about communication with the affiliates. If (inaudible 35:40.4) hey I am going to promote this, it is kind of your job to as the host of the summit to make sure you know, not pushing them or to actually get pissed about it, but really like pulling up with them constantly, because some people schedule this like (inaudible 35:55.0) something happened and then not being like -- you got to be clear on the date like you mentioned.

I have calendars for my affiliates like just tell them. Here is the best dates to promote and they shared this with them and then they can you know, put that in their schedule which is really important for let us say, (inaudible 36:12.7) entrepreneur you want them on your summit to promote it.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, nice. So I just had a question that totally, totally went out of my head. Well actually, you know, we are starting you know come up to time here. So, is there anything else that I have not asked you know, that you think you know, if someone is listening to this and you thought they had to know it too either get started or you know maximize let us say they already made a decision to do this you know, anything else that would help them maximize the results to get anything, anything pop in your head.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, I mean, I would say, if you can just I mean, obviously, there is a lot of things we did not talk really about you know, the technical things and this setting it up. Essentially, the funnel, I just want people to be clear of what it looks like since you are talking a lot about this, so it is a landing page, a thank you page, and then you know, that is the initial part and then into your emails you mentioned that you know, from time to time, you mentioned the sales page, it does not stop there. You will get sales for your (inaudible 37:17.6) and all these during the summit too.

So it is like the presales kind of before you even have the (inaudible 37:22.6) any content to people which is cool. You get like paid. Yeah, it is nice and it is like a presale and then during the summit, okay, some people they are checking out the interviews, they are really loving the content. Some people they find out okay, I am not gonna have time to watch everything and then he purchased and then at the end if you have that chance, you can have like you know, some live element too so you can promote a webinar or your hosting, like around a similar topic, let us say, in Chandler’s case, what is self-publishing (inaudible 37:50.4) webinar promoting his course at the end. So we have a promotion for that.

That is how you can like, as you get more advanced, you can like add those elements in and that is just a bigger win for everyone involved like the speakers or for affiliates to promote it because they can make more money and if you do not have that, just make it you know, think about it from their standpoint really I mean we did not really touch on that but make it a win for them so they are on board, okay, you are starting out, what can you do. You can promote them after your summit too. You have grown your list, that is what I do a lot. I have grown my list with like 3,000 people after my first summit like in 2014. I could promote people to my list. I could be an affiliate for their products and just add more value. I also linked up their freebie below their interview on the summit pages I have as well. That is also another way to position them in a good way on your summit when you are starting, building this relationship that way too. I had many people on my summit, I got like hundreds of opt-ins from just doing that.

Jeremy Reeves: Nice, I love it. So, you know, tell everybody because this is something that like if you are going to do that you definitely want to not try to figure out yourself you know, this is --

Navid Moazzez: Like I did.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, yeah. I feel like this is one of those things you know, there are certain things that you can kind of just you know figure out on how to do it yourself. I think this thing you know, setting up a summit is sure you can do it, but you are gonna not only not make as much money and get you know bigger results, and it is not just about money like we are talking about, it’s you know, the exposure, the email list, the money you know, everything, the credibility and you know, I know that you help people with every aspect of that you know what I mean, so tell everybody you know, what you, how you can help them whether it is you know, a course that you have, your own kind of personal coaching that kind of thing you know, if they are interested in doing this tell them of how can they get in touch with you.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, the best way I would say is to get, grab cheat sheet that I have created. It is a 7 steps to create, promote, and profit from virtual summits and that is what Chandler started with actually before we even started working together. He (inaudible 40:00.2) cheat sheet he saw what was involved and that cheat sheet I mean, (inaudible 40:04.2) generated him quite a lot of money like also brought 30,000 opt-ins and did, I mean, it is pretty much the framework, it is the 7 steps you need to I mean, obviously there is a lot that goes into there but just follow the 7 steps or at least get -- see if you are interested in it like if you are interested a little bit, grab this over at and you know, you are at least good to go for the time being (inaudible 40:31.0) tip your toes a little bit into virtual summits and if you are more, if you are interested to take it to the next level, yes, I have a flagship program called Virtual Summit Mastery too so you know, you can look out for that as well if you are on my email list.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, sounds good. Hey man, it was a pleasure not only having you on the podcast but catching up again.

Navid Moazzez: Yeah, definite man. You got to do it more often.

Jeremy Reeves: Yeah, sounds good. Yeah, everybody, thanks for listening in. Navid, thanks for coming out again. I appreciate it. It was great you know, I -- maybe putting this on my list for sometime in the near future. I will talk to you about it separately. I already have kind of half timeline in my head for it because I have been thinking about a little bit that is actually why I reached out because it has been in the back of my mind is one of those you know, we will do it soon kind of thing you know, so it would be fun, but so yeah, thanks again for coming on and everybody again, you know all of his links that we talked about will be in the show notes so I know it is a little bit long all that kind of thing.

So just go into the show notes and links will be there. You can just click them and go check out his cheat sheet and his flagship course and all that fun stuff. Otherwise, I hope you all had a great time listening to this and got a lot out of it and we will talk to you soon.
