In this brand new episode I have my first guest on the show! This is the first of many great interviews to come. Now if you've listened to most interviews, quite frankly they usually suck. Everybody talks about "their story" and you get no real value.

Not with this interview. In this interview Kavit Haria and I interview each other. It's like sitting in on a high level mastermind group. We'll get into the SPECIFICS of what each of us do with our clients to get such outstanding results. It's one you won't want to miss.

In this episode I'll discuss...

Kavit's advice for anybody launching a new product into the marketplace...

Exactly how, when and why to do surveys in your market...

*Ninja tips on how I 6x'd my optins for my side business using popups...

Our top 3 book recommendations each...

And MUCH more...

It's a great interview. Check it out, share it, and let me know what you thought!

Resources Mentioned

Funnel Day




Jeremy Reeves:

Hey guys, this Jeremy Reeves from the Sales Funnel Mastery Podcast and I have on the line with me today, Kavit Haria, you have to let me know if I said that right.

Kavit Haria:

Kavit Haria. That's right.


Right. Kavit Haria. So today, Kavit and I have been talking and we decided that it would be kind of a cool thing to do. So instead of having a one-person interview, we're just talk and brainstorm and kind of almost like the little mastermind group. I think that's going to be most beneficial for both of our audiences. So if you're a listener of mine, you know who I am.

My name is Jeremy Reeves and if you're not, if you're one of Kavit's subscribers, then you may or may have not heard me before and if you don't, again, my name is Jeremy Reeves and I am a Sales Funnel Specialist. I basically help people figure out what their sales funnel's going to be, the whole automated marketing funnel thing? That's what I help people with.

So taking people from prospects, from when they first hear about you, and making sure that you have the right positioning in place, the right offer, and having them go through automated sequences. Emails, sales letters, videos, and everything that makes up a sales funnel.

And do that in the proper sequence and have all the right offers for people to greater profits and automate your marketing so you can focus on higher leverage activities and all kinds of stuff that we'll get into today. My website is if you've never heard of me before. I'm going to pass it on to Kavit and let him explain what he does, who he is, so that my audience can get a good understanding of what he does.


This is a pretty interesting thing, Jeremy. I guess we are co-interviewing and co-answering also. So not only am I being interviewed, I feeling like I'm also interviewing you, so that's pretty cool. My name is Kavit Haria and I've been online for about 10 years. I've been trying to build businesses online. Succeeded in a few different ways. Got into a few, different, cool ventures.

Ultimately, I like the fact that I'm a musician and I play (02:30-02:32) and I use that to launch business online, selling music education to other musicians. Kind of like helping them work in a good (02:41-02:42) that marketing is very important in my career.

I needed it to help me get out there and show my music. If I wasn't good at marketing, I wouldn't get (02:51). If I wasn't good at promotion, I wasn't going to get an exposure. Nobody was having me sign up for a band. Nobody was signing up for promoting and my music essentially is part of my dream. So I learned that marketing is very important.

To cut the story short, really, the problem at first is inside our music business where I learned to create info products and sell a lot of educational material and automated funnels, which is what we're going to talk about in a second.

I also learned that I have this ability that I engineer a process where somebody would come to the site and really engage with me and really engage with my stuff and buy my stuff, not once but over and over again within a period of time, that my lifetime customer value is really high in such a short period of time and I was doing all that, once build, and never having to touch it again.

So I heard some really cool things there that I didn't go out on a flight to other businesses that I went out to consult in before starting my current business Where we basically work with people that have profitable business ideas or business ideas that they think will really work and we sit down with and walk them through a business strategy, a business model, and build the entire thing on the web.

So we're kind of very similar in what we do, so it's really good to collaborate with mastermind right now. I'm talking a little bit about how we're building sales funnels individually and have different angles to it, but it's all very creative work and also scientific work and also how other can benefit from just listening in on this.


Yeah, definitely. I even said we're almost semi-competitors but I'm kind of on the mindset that there's more than enough people, that everybody has their unique flavor to what they do and people respond differently, they resonate with people differently. So it's cool once you get two people together that do similar things and pull the intricacies of what we do. I think it's going to help both our audiences quite a bit.

So really quick, when I first heard about you and when I read about you, your whole music thing, I didn't realize how you're very humble about how you said that because I saw your 'About' page, you did performances with Paul McCartney and Jimmy Paige and all these heavy-hitters and famous musicians, so tell me a little about that. I'm curious.


Well, and they are really awesome and nice. I remember them very, very clearly and they were also in big venues. We're all about world festival in Holland and U.K. and lots of places. I've performed in different continents, also. But I guess I (05:44-05:45) to get out and play my music. Because I know how to make instrument but I didn't want to play with Indian music, I really want to fuse it with the Western stuff and we hear it a lot these days.

Now, it's a lot more mainstream. A lot of R & B and Hip-Hop scenes. Even rock music and Latin music, even that you hear these days. I can hear it very intricately and I can hear the same drum that I play up here in that music and people don't even know what it is. They key was I had to learn to build confidence. I had to learn how to very clearly articulate what I did, and very clearly know exactly know what I did and help somebody else.

And as soon as I started to do that, as soon as I started to tap into other musicians and show them how this could work for them, how it could really help them stand out if they were to use this kind of stuff, and then we started to perform and get known, it lead to other bigger opportunities.

And so I remember performing for our best musician called 'Donovan', and he was celebrating his wedding anniversary as a concert in the Royal Albert Hall. He was singer from back in the day and he was singing with the London Contemporary Music Orchestra and his friend who was a special on the show, was a performer was Jimmy Paige. So I remember this occasion. I actually, I got (07:10), I have to admit. Music and Jimmy and Paige, didn't know what he looked like, don't remember his music, nothing.

But I remember we were in the musician's canteen and the orchestra was performing and rehearsing with Donovan and I was sitting there and I ordered a bit of food from the musician's canteen, I was a nobody, I remember at that time, still with music, to be honest.

And this guy walks in and comes and sits with me because I'm the only one sitting there, so he comes and sits, so we start talking and I realize that this is Jimmy Paige, I realize that Jimmy Paige is a great guy, I started to feel a little interested in what he was doing and we talked for 45 minutes, right before the performance.

I didn't even know he was there to perform, I had no clue, whatsoever. We then went behind stage, we practiced for about an hour and we performed on stage and it was beautiful. It was absolutely beautiful.


That's awesome. That's a really cool story.


So the picture you see on my 'About' page is us sitting in the canteen, having apple pie or custard, basically.


Sounds good. I can go for an apple pie, actually. That's one of my favorite desserts. I haven't had one in a long time. So let's jump in more business stuff. We each have our own approach to how we work with clients, how we work with customers, that kind of thing.

Let's just say someone was coming to you and they didn't have anything. They had no assets in place, whatsoever. If they were basically starting from scratch and wanted to build a lifestyle business, that's a big buzz word these days, what would be your process to help them from that first stage of business, going from nothing to 6-figures is the big first mark and then it's like half a million and then a million.

So what would your advice be like? What would your process be working with somebody to get them to that first stage?


For an automated business system, there 3 stages.

The first stage is strategy. We basically sit down and think about their profitable business idea. At the end of the day, you got to have an idea. If you don't have an idea, then you generate a whole list of ideas (09:21) with analyzing and testing information and find the best one. But generally, apart from that one, you got an idea, you got to simply think about, "What is the product that I want to sell?"

And the way you think about that, first of all, is "What are the problems that the market that I'm attacking or going for has and what is the solution that I can provide to them?", so you got this idea, you got this market, you got this huge problem that might be facing that you're trying to solve in the service or product and you've really made it knocked down.

For me, the biggest way to test and do all these things is surveys. And I do a huge number of surveys. In the beginning, at the end, after purchase, before purchase, throughout the lifestyle of the client. And I'm trying to find out and get into my head and really understand what is really important for them? What challenges do they have? How can I help them with their challenges? What would it mean to them if I helped them solve their challenges?

So I really want to get and understand all of this stuff. And it's really, really worth the time to do that because even one or two, three insights that I get could change the way that our (10:29), could change the way that I present it when I speak it. I'm sharing my value with them and that could mean a lot more sales.

So surveys are (10:36-10:37) that. And essentially, what I'm looking for is a sales funnel that has two key parts.

The first is what I call the '24/7 Marketing Machine' which is really giving a lot of value on the front end to solve that problem that that person might have in their market and giving them a value in exchange for their information, for some ideas or survey questions that they might complete and then giving them a series of emails that builds on my relationship with them and then that segment which is the '24/7 Marketing Machine'.

The second segment is the 'Simple Sales System'. The way that the Simple Sales System works is once you build the trust and engagement in your emails, once you give them the value of building an engagement with them, the next step would be to figure out, "How would I take these people who are now hot leads and convert them to sales?"

It could be a sales letter, a webinar, just an application form, that they speak to you on the phone, it could be any of these things. But what is the process that would work best based on what that person is selling?

So there are two key systems. These are really crucial. What most people do is mix the marketing with the sales when really, they are different things.

You can't sell to somebody if they're seeing you for the first time. It's very unlikely that they're going to buy so I've always found that take the time to invite somebody, to court them, to nurture them so they're ready to be sold to.

Otherwise, you're (12:12) to people that don't want to be sold to and then you're why you're never getting sales. That is because they don't want to be sold to.

So the first thing to ((12:21) is there two parts to that process. Get that person ready and then have it processed to sell to them. And then anybody that's starting out should always be thinking, "Well, there's so much to build, there's so much to do, how do I get all of these things done?"

And the first step is to take each step at a time. So set up the first element, the marketing section and then set up a sales section. Put it all together.

The second thing is then to stop thinking about how you can bring other people in to help you to do that because there is a huge amount of work and you want to whatever you can to get it right from the beginning. It might be about the cost, it could be systems, it could be technology.

But whatever it is, I'm not saying you have to spend money on hiring people, but it just could be the right technology to help you automate the things that you  need automate so that you've got more time off to go back and spend sending traffic which (13:10-13:11) part in the system.


Yeah, and it's funny a lot of people make the mistake of putting their time in the things that don't make a difference. You have to figure out what your unique ability is, like what you're best in the world at, and make sure that when you’re working on your business, you're working on those activities.

One of the easiest ways to find growth in any business - doesn't matter what stage you're at - is to just get rid of those activities that aren't giving you the highest leverage and hand them off people who are still capable of doing them.

Whether it's a freelancer, like a part-time kind of thing, just outsourcing or full-time employee, whatever it is and focusing on the activities that are bringing you highest leverage for your time.

Beyond all the sales funnel stuff and that makes it all automated, for the stuff that you're doing on a daily basis, it's so important to figure out when you sit down, when you're at your computer, at your keyboard, you know what you should be spending your time on. That makes a big difference.

You mentioned about surveys. That's a huge part of my process too. In fact, after we get off the call, I'm setting up a survey for a client that I'm working on. A lot of people stop with just an online survey. Most people don't do any type of surveys. They really don't understand their market at all. They really don't understand their frustrations, the pain points, what people are there for, what ways to segment.

Surveys are a really good way to segment your audience so that when you're sending out your emails, you're sending them to the right people. So doing the survey is step one. And then if you really want to get in tune with your market - and this is especially crucial if it's a new market or if you're trying to get to the next level of growth whether that's from 500,000 or to your first million, whatever your next level of growth is - talk to people on the phone.

So when at the end of the survey, you have a question like, "Hey, do you mind if we call you? Leave your phone, it's optional of course." you'd be surprised how many people leave that. I know when I have clients, a lot of times, I'll ask them to send out an email saying, "Hey, we're trying to improve your experience. We have someone that wants to call you and understand how we can help you better.", then I'll call their customers and do that.

For some reason when you get on the phone, you can get 200 survey responses. And that's usually around the number I'd typically recommend because over that, you start getting the same thing over and over and below that, you're not really able to see trends as well. So 200 is a pretty good number to start with.

But if you talk to five people for 20 minutes or an hour and a half or whatever out of your time, you're going to get so much deeper of an insight than what you get with just online text surveys. That's one thing I would recommend when you're doing this. Regardless of where you are in your business, you should be doing surveys.


That's a great idea. Do you have a formula for how you make them work?


What do you mean for how to make them work?


Like, how do you get the maximum input from your users or your prospects? So like, they're giving you the really good information that can help you turn a lousy campaign to a really good campaign.


Do you mean on the phone when I'm talking to them?


No, in the survey itself.


I don't have any specific templates. Like, you're asking for their biggest challenges. It's kind of different with each market. I write them specific to that market. Like, "When you're doing this, what's the biggest problem you're having?" or "What's the biggest challenge you're facing?" or "What's the main reason you're doing this in the first place?"

For example, if people want to lose weight, "Why are you losing weight?", and it's so different. Some people want to do it because they want to look good for their spouse, other people will want to do it because it's more of an ego thing, they want to look good for other people or walk down the beach with their shirt off.

That's a good idea. I should come up with templates for it. I usually do it based on that market. When I start any new project, I always obligate a questionnaire. I always talk to the client about it and a lot of times I do funnel days. It's like an in-person consultation with the client so I spend the whole day with them so that I have a good understanding of the market and then I base the surveys off of that.

But even just to get started, even if you have a two-question survey that is basically, "What is the greatest challenge that you're having when it comes to..." and then whatever you're trying to help them with. And then also "What's the number one reason you're trying to achieve that goal?"

If you just start with that, then that would help quite a bit. It's a really good place to start. And then you can get deeper as you go, take those questions, talk to people and you'd be able to come up with other questions based off of those. Because you'll start seeing trends. I really should get templates, though.


Quick question about that, how do you then use the survey information? Like, do you segment your mails? Or do you use that information on emails? What do you do?


That's a good question. One of the main reasons I do surveys is obviously, number one, to understand the market and that's for all the pieces of the copy. There's a lot of times that I've used actual quotes in the copy or I kind rearranged it a little bit and used it as a headline if I see it coming over and over again, it's a huge pain point.

What I do is when I go through the survey, I make a list. Let's just say that's frustrations. So the two main things are the frustrations, the challenges, the problems and then the other side is the reason why.

So depending on the market, what I do is I go down and I have two separate Word documents and I go through all the surveys manually because you just get a lot out of it. You can do multiple choice but I usually do open-ended questions because people give you real answers rather than whatever you want to give them, basically.

So I go through it. I spend half the day or whatever. So let's just say I'm reading through and I see seven big objections coming up all the time, I write them down in a bulleted list and then  mark down how many times it comes up. So if one of the main objections is price, then I know to counter that and write a copy to overcome that objection more in the copy and I place it higher on the page.

And then the same with the reasons why their doing it, I segment that based on the reasons why. Let's just say I have a side business and I did surveys to find the reason why they want to dress better. So I went through it and I found out that the three biggest segments were:

Number one, getting girls, attracting other people to them for dating and things like that.

The other one was confidence. A lot of guys, this is a guy's website, they feel more confident when they're dressed nicely. You just feel different when you're dressed in a nice suit rather than comfy pants. You stand tall and get more confident and all that kind of stuff.

And then the third one was success. There's a segment of guys that are young professionals, they're trying to get a raise, they're trying to get better (21:56), all that kind of thing. So I look through that question and I mark down segments based on that and then I can in the emails.

So that just gives me three segments. You can also do this with quizzes, by the way. So let's just say three segments. It could be two, it could be ten, but let's just say three.

In the first email, somebody comes into your funnel. So there's two ways to do this.

Number one is you can segment with your lead magnets that you get. Like the free value it could be free video, free report, whatever it is. You can segment with that. For example, I might have three different lead magnets.

One is appealing to guys who want to dress better for success. Seven ways to dress better to get a big promotion or whatever it is and then you can segment that going to a separate list that talks about success and overcomes the objections, the frustrations they're having that area, it gives them tips, and builds relationships specifically to that.

So that's one way.

And then the other way is if you have more of a general lead magnet. Then let's just say 'How To Dress Better In The Next 4 Days', like, we have a four-day crash course  on how to dress better. So what we can do with that is in the first email, "Hey, I want to send you these emails that are you going to tell you how to dress better but in order for me to send you the most relevant information, I just have a quick question - what's the biggest reason that you want to dress better? Is it to pick up girls? Is it to get more success in life? Or is it to feel more confident?"

And for this, you need Ontraport or Infusionsoft, like a CRM. Basically any email service that can automatically segment based on a link that they clicked. Then they click the link and then they go into that specific segment. So then there's a little process after that. Does that answer your question?


Yeah, that's great advice on surveys and segmenting and stuff like that. What I want to know is, and I think this will be useful to everyone, what is the process you go through to build a sales funnel? You're sitting down with a client, you're talking through the while process, what is it?


The first thing I do is I get in touch with the market. Research. Understanding the market, understanding what they want, and then looking at the different products. Some clients already have the product. Maybe they're successful in another business. They hired me for a new business, whatever the case, we have to build the products.

Actually, the guy that I'm working with coaching is doing that. So we find out what are the needs that are not being met in the market place? And that's based on surveys, talking to people. You can look at your competitors, see what they're doing. I do more for ideas rather than ripping them up.

So that's first. The second is there are three stages - before, during, and after for the sales funnel. And one of the things that you talked about was not every sales funnel is the same thing. There’s a lot of people that are like, "The 8 Sales Funnel Templates", and it doesn't really work well because different types of funnels work for better for different markets and for different needs and for different products.

In one, you might have the typical free report and then the emails and then the upsell sequence and then buyers' sequences. For others, you might want to start with the webinar. For example, I'm working on a project right now and he's selling a $7,000 coaching program to cold traffic. So that is very much different. There's a lot of relationship-building and trust-building and...


And it depends on what they're selling, the price point, the audience, the mindset, what they're used to or accustomed to, all that kind of stuff. At the end of the day, whatever you do has to, in my opinion, get the person ready to (26:48-2:50)


Yes. Exactly. And one of the big things is time frame with that. If you're selling a $5,000 coaching program, you need a little bit more time for them to warm up with you first. Video's really good if you want people to bond with you a little bit faster. If you're selling $27 e-book, you can do that in a lot shorter time frame because it's not much of a risky for them. But you still need to create that bond. But you can do it a little bit faster.

So the first thing is figuring out what do we have to do? People come to you when they first meet you. They first sign up to your list. They're on the left side of the line, that's where they are right now. And then the right side of the line is where need to be to buy your product. And again, that line is going to be bigger or shorter, depending on all the different things you said.

The 'Before' process. What do you have to do? What emails have to be in place? What bonding has to be done? What authority has to be shown? What trust has to be built? That kind of thing to move people down that line. So each little touch point that you have - you show them a case study, it moves them to the right a little bit. You give them results in advance, it moves them down the line a little bit.

I always think in my head, instead of like, "Oh, let's do x amount of emails", and then that's it. It's more of how do you gain control of their buying process? So you're constantly thinking, "How do I move them down the line?" rather than like, "Okay, let's just throw ten emails in here. It doesn't matter." and you just mish-mash them. It has to be done in a specific sequence.


It's psychology. So the whole point is that it doesn't matter emails you're going to do. It could be as little as sixteen or it can be as many as fifty, but the whole point is that person's got to be ready to buy.


Exactly. So that process, part A, the 'Before'...


I have a question there. How do you know when they're ready to buy? How do you decide that? You, know, this is the number of emails or this the point where they're going to buy?


I wish there was an answer to that because I would be a billionaire by now. It's kind of based on intuition and market research and doing best guess. If there's any way to figure that out specifically, I would love to sell that. Buy it's just based on understanding the market. Each person is going to come to you in a different way.

I've had people that found out about me whether it was on the podcast or a guest article and I've had people do $20,000 products within one week of finding out about me. I'm doing a sales funnel for somebody and I forget, like, 13 grand or something. And I never spoke to them on the phone. I did it all through email.

And that's because it was a referral. So that's a very different process from if he's never heard about me, he got referred to me by someone that he trusted. so he was already three-quarters down that line. And because he was using that trust from the referral, pushed him all the way down the line. He didn't have to go through my typical process to be able to do that.

So everybody comes in there differently. And that's why even from the beginning I give them the chance to buy. I'm not really a believer, and everybody has different opinions on this, I mean there's really no scientific answer for this - again, it just comes out of my gut feeling - but even from the beginning, I always want them to know that the product and services are there.

It's a really soft sell for a while. But at the same time, they still know that they're there. So if they are ready, then they just click the link in the email and they're good. A little bit more aggressive stuff come later. And I never really get too aggressive because I'm a huge bonding kind of guy. My scale of aggressiveness is less than most. But that comes a little bit later.

Again, I wish I had a specific way. That would be incredible. So at that point, that process gets them to guy for the first time. And you touched on this before. There's a process for getting them to buy for the first time and then there's another process for getting them to become repeat buyers and higher value buyers because they already built that trust with you.

Whether your first product is the (32:08) like the really small-priced thing. It works well with some markets. It doesn't really work well with other markets. If you're selling a really high-end coaching program, it really doesn't work well in my experience, at least in those circumstances just because of positioning.

So the second phase is what happens during the buying process? They literally just bought your product one second ago. That's the typical upsell experience. I think most of the people listening to this probably understand what that is so I won't go into that much.

But it's the process of the one-click upsell where they just bought the product and you give them offers for buying products. It could either be at a discount or they get a special bonus if they buy it right now. And that can be done.

Just look up one-click upsell script of software. Most CRMs like Infusionsoft, Ontraport, Hubspot have that built in. I think what shopping cart does, auto-responder, Aweber, email services like that, you can always integrate with a shopping cart that does it.


I find a lot of people don't do the upsell clicks. Everyone talks about it but not everyone does it. Why is that? Why do you that is?


I don't know.


I think it could be a lot of work or it could be they don't know how to do it. They don't know how to automate it. It could be those reason. Apart form that, do you think that there's people out there that are concerned that it might irritate people? And how do you go with that concern?


It's a very valid to think but in reality, it's very rare to get complaints from people. Everybody always uses the McDonald's example. You go in there, "Do you want fries with that?" sorry I haven’t been to McDonald's for ever. But super-sizing, that's it. And you don't get mad at that. They're just offering you a question.

I think a lot of what it comes down to is how the copy's done, how you position it. If you're really aggressive with it, then people might get mad at you. I's all about relation and bonding because that person just gave me money, I want to take care of them. I want to make sure that they know that I am someone they can trust and relate to and bond with and have a relationship with.

Mine is always worded in a careful and considerate way. It's kind of like, "Hey, you just bought this. This other thing is going to give you...", usually, the big three are better results, faster results, and easier results. So if you're thinking about what to put in your back end, whether it's an upsell sequence or it's just in the back end, that's always what sells best. Easier, better, faster.


Well, there's some people that are starting out that are listening to this. So easier, better, faster, what do you mean?


So let's go to weight loss. You sell them whatever the initial product is and then 'better' could be, you're going to get the same results, let's just you're going to lose ten pounds, here's a seven-day blueprint to lose ten pounds. So they're getting the 'faster' and 'better' in that.

Or with 'easier', it could be just adding "Without giving up your favorite foods". Whatever the things that work really well is software. Like, "Our software will do it for you", that's always another good one.

I went through a webinar, I'm actually going to buy it (36:39). Probably tomorrow. So I went through a LinkedIn training on how to connect with people on LinkedIn and gain more traffic through LinkedIn and his whole thing, was "Here's the process for doing it but if you want to just automate everything, my software will do it for you.", so that's his upsell.

It's easier, you get better results because it actually gets done faster because the software does it for you. So it hits all three of those points.


That's interesting.


So software is a really good way to do it but there's a lot of different ways. Coaching is another good upsell because that's faster and better and easier. It's kind of like, "Hey, you can do everything by yourself, or you can work with me and I'm going to show you, step-by-step how to do it. We're going to get things done so much faster..."

Hopefully, that gives you a couple of good examples for people that they can use in their business.


Let's talk tricks for a second. I want to make sure to understand, what are cool new things that I can add or do on my website? Because everyone's using all these tools like online chat and pop-ups and all these things. What are your (38:09)? What are your favorites? What do you see worth creating well? If you were to give me your secret advice, what would it be?


I would say Live Chat is a good one and it's really easy to implement. You can go and just get Olark, theyr'e one of the free live chats, there's a bunch of them. Most of them have free plans. Usually, if you have live chat, it'll bump up your conversions just by having it regardless if people use it. For some reason it just gives them that feeling of confidence.

Live chat is a good one. Compare to the amount of people on your pages, you don't get a ton of people that use it. I don't do my own live chat anymore, I actually used to. That's another good way to do research, by the way, just to throw that in there. Even if you just want to talk to your customers and do research.

My employees do that for me. They're saved a lot sales because people will be, just for example, on the order form, and they're having problems, and they're like, "Hey, I'm having x problem, what do I do?", you can just outsource all of this and have your employee walk them through what might be happening, refresh the page, try this, and have them go through the whole thing. So live chat helps.

I'm a big fan of pop-ups. But instead of having the same, it all comes down again to segmenting. Instead having one pop-up on the whole website, what I've seen really helps is - and I did this in my side business and I think it was probably about 6x how many opt-ins I get. Again, instead of just having it on every page, you have it on specific pages.

For example, on our sales letter. I was looking for my Analytics and people who got this one email, converted at 4x the rate of just the average person on the (40:25) and that email was giving them a sneak peek of the product - so I was like, "Wow! That's a pretty big increase!", so I thought, "How do I scale that? How do I get that to more people?".

My idea was on my sales letter, when they leave the sales letter, it says, "Hey, you weren't interested but maybe that's because maybe you wanted to take a sneak peek at the product first and make sure that it's for you." So then they opt-in, they get it. So that was my way of using analytics and then you say, "Okay, how do I scale that? How do I put that in the business?"

So that bumped up the conversions quite a bit. That's just one example of using pop-ups in a much smarter way than just throwing it on there. If you have different categories for blog pages, let's go back to the weight loss example.

Let's just say you have recipes and nutrition advice and strength training advice. So there are three very different segments.

On all your category pages for recipes, you can have a pop-up that offers them. It's like, "Hey! You came here, you enjoyed the recipe, do you want our free e-book that gives you fifty more?"

On the nutrition letter it's like, "Hey, you enjoyed our nutrition article, do you want one that gives you our 30-day nutrition plan?"

You can also do that on your blog pages. I use Opt-in Monster, by the way. That's my preferred opt-in plug-in. So you can do that. One of the things that I did for Kinowear, the side business, is they have one specifically designed for mobile. They have the normal one and there's one specifically for mobile and when I added that, the mobile actually gets more opt-ins than the regular one.

I have to split test this. This is kind of just like conjecture, but I think the reason that it converts so well is because of how I positioned it. I positioned it as, "Hey, you're on your phone," and this wasn't the actual copy, it's the concept, but it's like, "Hey, you're on your phone, it's probably going to be hard to read the website, why don't you sign up here and I'm going to you free advice on getting stylish and the next time you're on your email, you can read it. It's just going to be a lot better of an experience for you."

I forgot the exact copy that I have on the opt-in form but its' like that concept but it's like, "Hey, let's make this easier for you. You opt in here, and I'll send you this through email. You can check the next time you're on your computer." So that helped quite a bit.


That's awesome. You know what I wanted to do was (43:30-43:31). So for a while now, I've been creating and testing a lot of different lead pages, especially when I do advertising. I know on my own site, I got a lot of lead boxes all over the place. Inside blog posts, I've got specific blog posts about lead pages.

Like one, if it's a report about content marketing, I've got something I'm giving away about content marketing, there's a lead box for that. If it's a blog post saying about a plug-in, I've got to push for that. And then I got video episodes like podcasts. Then I transcribe each episode and I give the PDF away but in order to get the PDF, they got to opt in. So every single episode is like a lead page.

And that's 90+ lead boxes just for the episodes so it's really, really cool. Then I'm building lots and lots of opt-ins, Then (44:19) segmenting in so many different ways. And I found that although some people opt in, like, 10, 15x in different lead boxes, because they want different things, the more they opted in, the more I'm able to segment them and say, "Hey, you seem like an active user. I think I'm going to follow up with you to say maybe you want to come up on one of our discovery (44:40)" or whatever it is just they are more hyper active.


Yeah. Absolutely. That's a good idea. I like that.


We're running out of time now, so I got a question for you. I think for me, whenever I want to get to know somebody, I want to know what they read because what they like to read tells me a little about the kind of person they are. So what are your top three recommended books?


Let me give you two business books because we're talking about business. But I'm also a huge fan of a life of balance. Like, not just working all day because I have one-year-old, I have a three-year-old, I have a wife and with a good relationship with her. So I want to see all them. All of our family lives within a 15-minute radius of us. We actually have friends coming over tonight.

So we're always doing stuff with family and I think that if you just work all the time, and a lot of people are like, "Oh, my business is my passion" and my rebuttal to that is, "Okay, I think it's kind of a limited life if you only have one passion." I love this. I absolutely live working all day but I have a lot of other passions.

I'm getting certified as a chef right now just because I love it not because I'm going to go out and cook for people. My wife likes it.


But this is certified chef.


Basically, like a professional cook. But there's online classes and stuff that you can take and get professionally certified but I'm just doing it because I love to cook. Anyway, I'm also going to give you one non-business book.

The number one person of influence is Jay Abraham. Sometimes I think a little bit too strategically, that's I have number two.

The first person is Jay Abraham, any of his books, just read them.


If I was to answer the same three questions, the first book to have on my list is 'Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got'.


That's number one for me.


That's really good to hear.


So 'Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got', that's number one. Number two is Dan Kennedy. Basically, anything by Dan Kennedy. He's got a whole bunch of books. I would say like off-the-top-of-my-head, the one that really resonated with me is 'My Unfinished Business '. It's almost like autobiography.

And also another one is Richard Branson and his autobiography was awesome (47:44-47:45). And then the non-business one, I don't know if you're familiar with Strategic Coach but they have a thing where you have either a focus day, which is your top priorities, top leverage activities, your buffer days which is more delegating and kind of just like those stupid, little projects that you have to do, but they're not contributing all that much.

And then free days. When I take a free day, there's zero business, whatsoever. I can't talk about business, I don't look in my email, I don't answer my phones calls. It's just to completely unplug and it makes a huge difference in your motivation levels, your creativity. In fact, this weekend, I'm doing Saturday and Sunday free days which is cool.

So my non-business book would be anything in the Alex Cross series. But Jane Patterson? Those books, last January...


You know what? James Patterson and Lee Child, I absolutely love Lee Child.


He's actually on my list for...


You got to read his stuff.


Yeah, I'm reading 'Dracula' right now.


I'm just saying, Lee Child inspired me to write better email. They're short. (49:00) it's as if you're speaking. Personality, it’s (49:03).


And that's the same with Alex Cross. One of the big things that I've learned from him, and another thing is when you read novels? You really do become a better writer. Because you pick up and you're like, "Oh, man." Like the way he structured that, with Alex Cross, his cliff hangers, they're just unbelievable. It's absolutely brilliant.

On my free days, I'm always reading novels. Like I said, I'm reading 'Dracula' right now. Again, Lee Child is on my list for after 'Dracula'. So I'll be buying a couple of his books. So those of are my three.


That's pretty cool. (49:44) and I appreciate that stuff.


Yeah, how about you? So number one, 'Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got'.


Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got', and then number two, I would have to say would be 'The Ultimate Sales Machine' by Chet Holmes.


Okay. That's a good one.


That's a pretty good book. At number three, and it's non-business, I would say 'The Four Agreements' by Don Miguel Ruiz. It's like a spiritual slash (50:12) those kind of books. Really, really good four agreements that (50:16-50:19).


I bought a whole bunch of bookmarks that has the four agreements on them. Yeah, we seem to share a lot of very similar interests.


Yeah, but of course, like I said, the books that I generally read that are not business-related are Lee Child and that kind of stuff so that's kind of cool.




Well, I appreciate you inviting and I inviting you on this cold call and I hope that everybody gets some really good benefit from this (50:50). Hey, Jeremy. Where can people find you?


I'd like to think that my website does a good enough job of "selling me". I won't send to a free report or anything like that, if you just go to When you go there, it basically tells you who I am, what I do, you'll be able to see testimonials, case studies, results that I've gotten for people.

And then there's three things like if you're interested in working with me or doing anything with me, you can either get on my list and there's a free report there. I have automated webinars and stuff that you can go on to get tons and tons of value.

There's a 'Services' button if you're interested in working with me. There's a 'Products' page if you're interested in looking at the products that I have. I would say just go to and see where it takes you.


Brilliant, brilliant.


How about you?

Kavit: You should just check it out and you'll see what I'm talking about.


I highly recommend his 'About' page so you can see his music stuff. That was intriguing for me.


You should write more about your chef stuff and family stuff.


Oh, I do.


That was new to me.


Yeah, in all my emails, that's where I have most of that stuff. Hey, it was great talking with you and everybody will get a lot of value.


Yeah, speak to you soon.


Yeah, sounds good. Thanks.