Types of testimonials
1 – results oriented from your products from customers
- Prove to future customers that you have what they need AND it works!
2 – Endorsement of you or your company
3 – Celebrity or expert endorsement
We all need proof that our products and services work and we need to know they work prior to purchasing. That is why we need testimonials both as a merchant and consumer.
Stand by for software testimonial scripts by Jim on how to ask for testimonials from customers.

Stew’s script: (about 4-6 weeks after purchase)
Hi (first name of customer),
This is Stew Smith, the creator of the workout you purchased. Do you have any questions for me as I am here to assist you along your fitness journey. If you do not mind, I have a question for you:

How are you feeling with the workouts? Are you seeing any results? Please let me know as I would love to share your testimonial if you have one to offer. I will withhold or change your name as your privacy is my first concern.
Thank you for your time and purchase. Please check back with us for updated articles at the StewSmithFitness.com articles section and our Stew Smith Fitness Facebook page for daily content updates.
Stew Smith