Jim Edwards hits it out of the park with this top ten list focusing on mistakes in copywriting. http://thejimedwardsmethod.com/group
A brief synopsis is the following:
1 - No headline or title (or crappy one)
2 - Features only with no benefits or meaning
3 - Don't talk about yourself - Talk TO the customer
4 - No clear reason to buy
5 - No clear call to action
6 - Trying to write salescopy from scratch - use scripts
7 - No hook or curiosity factor
8 - Wishy Washy positioning
9 - No clear offer
10 - No offer summary / stack / value stack Join Jim Edwards and Stew Smith on this quick podcast and sign up for The Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks Closed Facebook Page. http://thejimedwardsmethod.com/group
BONUS: Why People BUY: - Make Money - Save Money - Save Time - Save Effort - Avoid Pain - Get Clean - More Love - Higher status - More popularity