Never Be Closing – Key To Better Sales with Tim Hurson #197

The second most difficult task of a sale is to ask for the business. Closing a prospect is a monumental challenge for many sales professionals. But maybe we’re looking at this all wrong. Tim Hurson is the author of the book “Never Be Closing”. In this episode Tim shares a process where prospects close themselves without arm twisting or sketchy wordplay trickery. Take your closing skills to the mastery level!

Have a Don’t Close Mindset

Tim recommends going into a sales conversation with the idea of learning something. Set aside the  expectation of closing quickly. People will close themselves if you do the process right.  It takes time to build a relationship. People fear purchasing from a stranger, but they do appreciate purchasing from those they trust.

Purpose of a Sales Call

What is the purpose of a sales call?  It’s not to make the sale, it’s to make the sale, AFTER the sale. Sales calls are measured on a binary scale: You closed or NOT closed. This is false. There is nuance in every sales call and you can learn from the experience. Every call is an opportunity for success.

Simplest Close of All

Ask the question “What more do you need to know before we proceed”.  If they say nothing else start the paperwork that moves them from a prospect to a client.

Of course not everyone is qualified for your business. But prospects may know someone who IS qualified. Think referrals.

Take Action Advice

GPS – learn from experience, evaluate the last sales call and ask the following questions:

Great – what went well? Poor – what went poorly? Step ups – what can I do better next time?


How To Find Tim Hurson

You can find Tim on LinkedIn (Company Website) (Blog) (Think Better) Twitter @tim_hurson Book – Never Be Closing – how to sell better without screwing your clients, colleagues or yourself.  How To Close a Sale

We have many past episodes sharing advice on how to close a sale. Listen today!

The Perfect Close with James Muir #132 4 Step Sales Framing Process with Aaron Janx #131 Success Hacks for Sales with Scott Hansen #101 How to Sell Coaching Services with Julie Foucht #98 How to get your ASK in gear, an interview with Connie Kadansky #87 The 5 Fundamentals for Closing a Sale #79 Small Business Sales Techniques an interview with Kent Zaretzke #75 How To Be Bold By Prequalifying Prospects Part 2 with Tom Reber #65 How To Be Bold By Prequalifying Prospects with Tom Reber #64 The Smooth Sale Pricing Process with Elinor Stutz #60

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