In our final episode of the season we got the pleasure of sitting down with the playful and nurturing Marion Rose. You may know Marion from her work on the Aware Parenting Podcast with over 3 million downloads.. With 36 years of experience in psychology and psychotherapy, 18 years as an Aware Parenting instructor and mother to two children, Marion is a wealth of knowledge and lived experience. 

In this episode we hone in on the silly season, aka christmas-time. Marion teaches us how we can get more present with both ourselves and our children in this crazy time when everything feels a little too fast. We talk about how we can move through overwhelm and why crying and raging are not things we need to stop. We nodded and giggled along with Marion the whole time and rushed home to roar like lions with our kids, we know you will find some words of wisdom in here as we did. Enjoy 

In this episode we covered:

What is 'Aware Parenting'?How to manage our overwhelm, overstimulation during busy seasonsHow to navigate obligations for attending parties, gifts etcHow to get clear on our own boundaries and then hold strong on themHow to stay connected with your children in this busy season Signs of overstimulation in our kids? How to help children navigate overwhelm? How to help kids see the less consumerist parts of Christmas and direct it more to a family-centred time? Santa, pressure of naughty and nice? How to deflect strangers' comments of ‘have your being good this year’ ? 

Marion's latest book: ‘I’m here and I’m listening’ is coming to shelves soon so keep your eyes peeled.
Thank you Marion for your amazing guidance and wisdom.
Listeners can find Marion via her website and podcast linked above or via her personal instagram @_marion_rose_

The sponsor of this episode is Tasara, The Queer Doula. Tasara is a full-spectrum doula for Queers and Allies. Tasara provides care, education, and advocacy for individuals and their families throughout their reproductive journey, including conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and early birth experiences such as miscarriage and abortion. Tasara's extensive experience, knowledge, skills, and intuition bring a calming and grounded presence to childbirth, postpartum, and the various services they offer. We also applaud all the work Tasara does for the queer community in making this world a safe and inclusive place. 

If you need a doula, look no further! Tasara can be found via their website linked above, or via instagram @thequeerdoula_

Contact Saint Majella

Slide into our DMs via insta @saintmajella Email us for collab opportunities [email protected] See upcoming events and more on our website

Thanks for listening and pls share us with your mother community!
Love, Mel and Cel