Stoner Sagittarius do you feel that bounce in your step?  That positive vibration in your bow tension?  You are feeling an extra tingle in the air for good reason.  The universe will be vibrating in tune with your celestial mission in October. Toke time for cannabis in consistent light smoke sessions this month.  There is … Continue reading Sagittarius Stoner Horoscope October →

Stoner Sagittarius do you feel that bounce in your step?  That positive vibration in your bow tension?  You are feeling an extra tingle in the air for good reason.  The universe will be vibrating in tune with your celestial mission in October.

Toke time for cannabis in consistent light smoke sessions this month.  There is a true blessing in the universal vibration in October.  Your cannabis copilot will act as a tuning fork within the cosmic journey.

So much of your time and mental capacity is spent on the move stoner Sagittarius.  Always on mission with acquiring new targets for your terrestrial adventure.  But this constant movement of action is often the source of stumbling blocks along your progressive path.

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There are great blessings of patience and understanding within the universal vibration this month.  The stoner Archer will be greatly assisted in slowing down, and contemplating the right missions to initiate.

Match the cosmic combustion with balanced hybrid cannabis strains.  With consistent light tokes of the balanced sacred herb, your third eye sight will become intune with the positively patient universal vibration.

Along with patience, the universe will be sending waves of passionate support in second Fall month.  But this cosmic support comes with a word of warning my stealthy Archer:  Passion must come from within before it can be used as a guide on the terrestrial plane.

Before the end of the first October decade, toke time with the sacred herb through a solo medicated meditative smoke session.  Focus on your internal desire for self improvement.  Find passion with yourself before you unleash your powerful senses on the world.

You don’t need a guide stoner Sagittarius, but an advanced scout doesn’t hurt.  With the powerfully positive cosmic vibes, and an assist from your cannabis copilot, navigating the second Fall month should be a successful mission.

A mission filled with great conquests, and new discoveries.  I’ll smoke to that!