Stoner Sagittarius the late great Bob Marley told us, “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” So my stoner Archer, spark one up and settle in, this month will start out with an introspective influence. As the month marches on, the cosmos will open the doors for fun within the personal sphere.  … Continue reading Sagittarius Stoner Horoscope March →

Stoner Sagittarius the late great Bob Marley told us, “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” So my stoner Archer, spark one up and settle in, this month will start out with an introspective influence. As the month marches on, the cosmos will open the doors for fun within the personal sphere. 

The month begins with a focus on home, both physical and emotional. Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to connect with your inner self.  Communicate with your sensitive and compassionate internal drivers through medicated meditative smoke sessions.  This will help you think and feel deeply about matters that mean most to your cosmic existence. Lean into this sacred exercise to get your home and personal sphere to a place where you feel comfortable. 

Stoner Sag, now is the time to get plans laid in relation to your daily work routines. You will feel persistent energy, and a dose of determination throughout March. Load the stash jar with bright Sativas my stoner Archer, and aim your arrow towards future plans. Enjoy this energy, and focus on getting things sorted out, and set in place. Toke time with the sacred herb; release a burst of imagination.  With the sacred herbal assistant, look at things in a new light and make plans. It’s the perfect time to make that business deal, or cement that new partnership you’ve been considering. Get creative, find the joy in your everyday life, and let your positivity flow.

Stoner Sagittarius March will likely find you with a lot of energy to communicate and engage with matters relating to the broader smoke circle, cannabis companions, and even frenemies.  Use your spiritedness to communicate persuasively and with charisma. All things are possible when you are sharing the magic of the sacred herb with fellow terrestrial astronauts.

March will be quite progressive stoner Sag.  With the right Cannabis prescription at the right moments, and the right internal contemplation mixed with a stony influence, everything should fall in place.  It’s all within you stoner Sag.