Previous Episode: Sagittarius October 2016

While the weather has gotten colder, stoner Sagittarius, you can expect your excitement levels to continue to heat up.  As many of your undertakings may be accompanied by our wonderful lady, mary jane, it is advised that you take photos.  Photos will make the memories will last longer.  Just remember to keep it going steady, … Continue reading Sagittarius November 2016 →

While the weather has gotten colder, stoner Sagittarius, you can expect your excitement levels to continue to heat up.  As many of your undertakings may be accompanied by our wonderful lady, mary jane, it is advised that you take photos.  Photos will make the memories will last longer.  Just remember to keep it going steady, but take a smoke break if needed.  You have many new experiences ahead, but fewer if you have to spend too much time recovering from all the fun.

Don’t act before the smoke clears Sag.  You can expect problems in the workplace, but only when everyone is not on the same page. It will be better to collaborate.  More work will get done and everyone involved will benefit from sharing perspectives.  Move ahead with the plan of action only after all parties have given their input.  This way the workplace can remain peaceful and productive which may offer everyone more time off the clock to spend doing what they really love.  Enjoying good herb and sharing it with their best buds.

Keep it positive with your lover or home life.  You may want to at times let others know how you feel about their attitudes.  But, remember, they have internal workings that you can’t see.  Instead of cutting them off, investigate what might be the bother or trouble.  When a garden is withering, sometimes it may feel like the easiest thing to do is to uproot everything and start fresh. It may take more work but if instead, you invest your efforts you will be able to help them flourish by weeding through the thorns to help them grow something beautiful.