Stoner Sag there is no need to be alarmed, but it is advised you enter into February paying close attention to the windy roads ahead. You are entering a period of slight uncertainty; one where negativity is likely to cause noticeable tremors. If you plant your seeds strategically in solid soil and let your roots … Continue reading Sagittarius February 2019 →

Stoner Sag there is no need to be alarmed, but it is advised you enter into February paying close attention to the windy roads ahead. You are entering a period of slight uncertainty; one where negativity is likely to cause noticeable tremors. If you plant your seeds strategically in solid soil and let your roots grow deep, you will be able to maintain balance even during the most turbulent times. Keep calm and smoke a bowl. Inhale the essence of your favorite strain of cannabis. Allow it to calm the mind and engage the higher sight of the third eye. This invocation will provide additional clarity of vision during a potentially hazy period.

What causes you to be curious stoner Sagittarius? Now is the season for seizing your internal desires! You may have been putting off pursuing a personal passion; perhaps for fear of failure or negative comments from supposed allies. Stoner Sagittarius’ stuck in the gears of the economic grind will have support from the cosmos this month to begin their own adventure in business. February is an ideal time to start the micro business or digital project you have been contemplating. Toke time to finalize the details, and make the necessary decisions in order to take your aspirations from lofty idea to the next level of legitimate implementation!

You can meditate alone with the sacred herb, or muse out loud with those in your smoking circle. Whether you choose to go at it solo, or with help from your partners-in-chronic, the planning stage of February will be crucial. Once you begin your journey, you do not want to make unnecessary pauses for issues that could have been prepared for in advance.

Once the initial earthquakes of this period have passed, it is important you remain mindful of inevitable aftershocks. Personal situations could change for the stoner Sagittarius without warning. Although the road you are on will not be one of great certainty, not all of these changes will be for the worst. Contemplate with the sacred herb with your third eye wide open. When you are able to see what initially instigated a conflict, you can address the real issue. With this knowledge come up with long lasting solutions, not simply temporary fixes that will quickly fade like vapor clouds. Look behind the curtain stoner Sag, to see the true causes for the confusion and challenges you face.