Previous Episode: Sagittarius July 2018

Stoner Sagittarius you should expect the final summer month to be one of great highs and good fortune, especially when it comes to finances. Peace and prosperity will be your guiding theme this August. Overall, there will be no life altering changes, but transformations will be significant. Although subtle, they will help you accomplish your … Continue reading Sagittarius August 2018 →

Stoner Sagittarius you should expect the final summer month to be one of great highs and good fortune, especially when it comes to finances. Peace and prosperity will be your guiding theme this August. Overall, there will be no life altering changes, but transformations will be significant. Although subtle, they will help you accomplish your current goals.

While the days are still long, make a plan to get back to nature. For one reason or another you’ve been putting off taking that vacation. Wait no longer, Stoner Sagittarius! Gather your favorite munchies, and call up the peeps. Hit the trail to your favorite smoke spot. Being outdoors with the sacred herb will help you rediscover your inner zen. And, if the stars will not allow a full-on camp out, then take a couple days for a stay-cation … Still bring the munchies though.

Having a specific time planned to relax and hit the reset button will motivate you more to keep the hustle strong at work. The higher ups will be paying close attention. Whether you have your eyes set on advancement or management is looking to move you up, the opportunity to take on a greater leadership role will arise.

Meditative smoke sessions are a must this month, Stoner Sagittarius. While sometimes tokin’ can enhance your movie watching experience, it can also be a very beneficial tool for introspection and reflecting on the bigger picture. This will help you think through and fully form your ideas before presenting them to the rest of the team. Once you have the general plan, incorporate your peers. Invite them to help you figure out the best strategy for transforming your concepts into concrete results.

In the personal sphere, all you have to change is whatever you want. You may find your canna-companion or romantic interest asks for something more than you can give. It is okay and natural to want to please others, but not if it sacrifices your dreams. Solid relationships are built on compromise. If there is something in the middle both people are willing to work towards, then it might be worth it. Just be sure each person is doing their fair share of the work. Give-and-take is one of the secrets to a successful relationship. And of course being able to puff-puff-pass some good greens to our partner in chronic.