Previous Episode: Sagittarius July 2015

Even if you’re not into surfing, feel free to ride the wave this August, Stone Aquarius.  Practice whatever it is that helps to promote your state of Zen.  Spending time basking in the positive vibrations that the universe is sending your way will help to keep your batteries charged and ready for the busy work. … Continue reading Sagittarius August 2015 →

Even if you’re not into surfing, feel free to ride the wave this August, Stone Aquarius.  Practice whatever it is that helps to promote your state of Zen.  Spending time basking in the positive vibrations that the universe is sending your way will help to keep your batteries charged and ready for the busy work.

When it comes to problem solving, either at home or on the job, don’t push too hard.  It is important to be assertive, but not if this means you’ll be replacing one problem for a different one.  When the big issues need to be solved maybe you’re approach is to go for a sativa to get the wheels of creativity turning.  Or, perhaps you stick with the more mellowing indicas to slow your roll and allow yourself the time to let the solutions sink in slowly.  Whichever your mode of operation might be, be sure to enjoy the process.  The proper meditation given to an area of life that needs extra attention will free up your mind and energy so you can better focus when the issue is resolved.

Apply this same meditation to matters of the home and nobody will be able to knock you off your path.  If you have a significant other, do your best to be patient.  Little things will get bigger only if you let them.  Don’t miss out on opportunities to grow in new ways because your own roots weren’t planted deep enough.  Once you feel like your foundation is solid, you will be able to share your strength and be a shelter to those closest to you.