Why EMF Sensitivity Varies in Patients with Dr. Lyn Patrick

Join Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense.com with Dr. Lyn Patrick to discuss how environmental medicine is being used to successfully treat people with electrical hypersensitivity on this episode of Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health. This episode takes a look at:

The four toxic metals you MUST get tested for What vitamins and minerals we need to boost our detox systems The increase in number of EMF sensitivity cases with the 5G rollout


For more about naturally treating toxic exposures, visit https://www.electricsense.com/emf-conference-2019/


With 35 years experience in private practice as a licensed naturopathic physician, Dr. Lyn Patrick is the author of numerous articles in peer-reviewed medical journals. She speaks internationally on various topics, including environmental medicine, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, endocrine disruption, and metal toxicology. She’s currently a faculty member for the Metabolic Medicine Institute Fellowship in collaboration with the George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and a member of the board of directors of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine.


Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health is a podcast hosted by Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense.com. He has become a powerful leader where our hyperconnected world of mobile phones, WiFi, 5G, smart appliances (and even the wiring in your walls) can pose a health risk. Tune in to learn, from Lloyd and the world's leading experts, how you can be SAFELY connected, thrive, and even remediate the effects of EMFs on your health. With this podcast, you can live a naturally healthy life in an electromagnetic world.