Unlocking your Natural Ability to Transform Energy with Martine Negro

Join Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense.com with Martine Negro to discuss how to reset the energy in your home to decode your symptoms on this episode of Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health. This episode takes a look at:

The quick way to reset the energy of everything electrical or computerized in your home How science shows that we all have a lot of power that we are not using Taking care of the energy within you to become more resilient to EMFs


For more about Martine’s top tips for minimizing EMF effects, visit https://www.electricsense.com/hacking-wellbeing-code/


Martine Negro has spent over 30 years practicing Oriental “Mind Body Health”, and has helped thousands of students understand the energetic dynamics of the human system. She’s co-founder of the Diploma of Energetic Healing at Nature Care College, co-initiator and life member of The International Energetic Healing Association, and president of The Dowsers Society of New South Wales.


Martine Negro is the author of “Hacking the Wellbeing Code through Energetic Intelligence” which is a book which “guides you to actively craft your wellbeing, and gives, practical, simple, and easily applicable approaches to return to wellness through energetic intelligence.”


Safely Connected: EMFs, 5G, and Your Health is a podcast hosted by Lloyd Burrell of ElectricSense.com. He has become a powerful leader where our hyperconnected world of mobile phones, WiFi, 5G, smart appliances (and even the wiring in your walls) can pose a health risk. Tune in to learn, from Lloyd and the world's leading experts, how you can be SAFELY connected, thrive, and even remediate the effects of EMFs on your health. With this podcast, you can live a naturally healthy life in an electromagnetic world.