In 2010, with seven years of struggle-free sobriety, Teresa knew that the traditional path of getting and living sober was not helping enough people. She auditioned for the Oprah Winfrey Network to create a show traveling the country to learn and share how others got and lived in recovery without twelve steps and alcoholics anonymous. Oprah didn’t call, but that didn’t stop her.

Teresa had hopped on her pink cloud and rode out of the rooms of alcoholics anonymous to save her sobriety and knew there had to be something she could do to help others.

In 2012, she founded Pink Cloud Coaching and started promoting, advocating, and coaching women to break free from the need to misuse alcohol without identifying as an alcoholic and become inspired to go after life-sober instead.

She has since published Wholly Sober – How I Stopped Thinking About Drinking and Started Loving My Life and ready to release her second book, The Primed Drinker in which she explores the idea that the current path of recovery is creating alcohol”ism” – a belief system that hinders more than it helps.

Today with over fifteen years of sobriety and has helped thousands of women through coaching, writing, speaking, and social media, Teresa is thrilled with the emerging scientific evidence that supports her philosophy and her work.