How do you deal with acne naturally?

Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine has known this for centuries and only now the Western medicine is becoming more open to the fact that stress and anxiety affects the gut as a result our skin.

How do you deal with acne naturally?

Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine has known this for centuries and only now the Western medicine is becoming more open to the fact that stress and anxiety affects the gut as a result our skin.

I am acutely aware of the gut-brain connection and how it affects our body because of my long history of migraines. Today, I am a life coach and beauty coach and I am passionate about helping people reduce discomfort and frustration regarding their ski. Stress and anxiety puts a huge burden on our body so why not to start with a simple exercises and take a deep breath every hour to reduce this burden.

 And to help you stay on track I've created a simple acronym that will help you to remember to do something for yourself. 


D diet( drink a fresh green juice every morning)

A attitude(go on the news diet)

T transformation (get outside and smell the fresh grass, notice the leves change its color..breathe

E exercise (get up from your desk and get in at least 15 min to support your health)

Repeat those four tasks daily to see yourself happy again.