Today's guest, Leah Skurdal an author Seeking Serenity: How to Find Your Inner Calm and Joy and an intuitive energy guide is speaking with Yolanda about easy ways to reset and rebalance inner self.

Let's start with the simple truth, we can put lots of creams and lotions and potions on the skin to help it look radiant for a moment. But what if our days preceding to today were pretty stressful and the first minute we wake up we just rehearse what happened yesterday what happened a week ago. We find ourselfes off balance in the first minute of the day.

Leah is an expert in this subject and she says, the best way to offset that is to meditate. What if you don't know how to meditate, let me just start off with what I do.

The first minute when I open my eyes, I set the intentions for today. I don't remember I'm not willing to remember what happened yesterday or day before and because that will set the tone for the rest of my day. When I set the intentions and offer gratitude to the light that is shining through my window, and I then pick a color of my shirt to wear for the rest of the day. That picks up my mood. It makes me joyful. It makes me happy.

And even though I'll come back to the problems later, at the moment they are not as prominent in my mind as they would be if I woke up and I remember the. Setting the intentions and practicing gratitude is the wonderful way of starting the day.

Today I want to introduce you to Leah Skurdal, an intuitive wellness guide and an energy expert. She can help us rebalance the energies when we get thrown off she can help us to meditate as well. 

You can find our guest HERE