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I'm Irene Weinberg, a podcaster and recipient of Yolanda's facial treatments and I've been doing it now for the past four years. I no longer need fillers or Botox. The Beauty On Command Method teaches me how to take care of my skin at home.
What I love about the knowledge that you apply to the field of skincare Yolanda, is that you combine emotional health, physical health and beauty into one package that is beneficial for everything.

I'm Irene Weinberg, a podcaster and recipient of Yolanda's facial treatments and I've been doing it now for the past four years, I just want you to know, I no longer need fillers or Botox. The Beauty On Command Method teaches me how to take care of my skin at home and get the results that you are looking at. I myself have your Beauty On Command skincare at home and that is what I use now.What I love about the knowledge that you apply to the field of skincare Yolanda, is that you combine emotional health, physical health and beauty into one package that is beneficial for everything.


I now use Beauty On Command Skin Care and to be honest, that's all I use. It works for me. And every month you update my skincare regimen, depending on my needs. Sometimes I have to massage my forehead for a few minutes a day other times my neck and so on. Let's give some practical tips to our audience.


It is easy to integrate this into your daily routine. You already cleanse the skin so why not to just do more and enhance that routine. But before I give you those tips, let me tell you about Beauty On Command.

When I first began working in the skincare industry, there were so many products and I'm sure you agree as you have million products in your drawers and you don't know what to do with all of those products because they're not really delivering the results you were hoping for. And thisis why I have developed my own, plant based skin care line that is effective and used exclusively at Speransi Facial Spa.

TIp#1. Daily routine to erase forehead lines

The forehead lines are not caused by our genes even if you see them on your father or the mother. It is a result of a pattern repetition of the same facial expression as your loved ones create and you tend to mimic that expression until it becomes a habit. To erase those lines we need to learn how to break that pattern. And this can be found in my book Retrain Your Face, chapter six. You can see those routines that I'm going to just give you right now.

So what are we going to do first you're going to put the cleanser on. The cleanser is going to soften the first layer of the skin the top layer of the skin the dead skin cells are going to be softened and removed by rinsing it off. So just slough it off. And now you're going to put some kind of product, Irene uses BOC Firming Peptide Serum or BOC Crepey Repair Serum. You can also use Loe Vera product if you don't have a serum. Make sure to apply to the face while still damp. Use three fingers to do this with, that is where the strenght will come from.

Apply it to the forehead and just keep stretching the lines horizontally back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Maybe five times depending on the depth of the lines. Make sure the fingers are still wet if not what fingers in water and keep going again.  Now press your fingers on the eyebrow and go up and down from the eyebrows to the hairline. Press hard. Move throught the whole forehead a couple of times. You are pressing hard because we want to get to the muscles, not the surface of the skin. Okay, so you're getting into the muscle. So you go up and down, up and down a couple times. And then just gently tap all over the forehead back and forth while relaxing the muscles and the skin. 10 seconds to 20 seconds to stimulate the skin. Take a deep breath and you can rinse the skin and apply the products as usual. I would use an icecube for another 10 seconds to close the pores and to tighten the muscles. So that is all to it. If it happens that you have the 11 line that this line in between your eyebrows then repeat the same process with just one finger of both hands. Stretch the line 5 times and use up and down motion 5 times. Tap, tap the area for 10 sec. You can cool it off with and ice cube as well. 

At first I recommend making it a daily routine, once you condition the muscle and see an improvement repeat this exercise once a week.


I no longer need Botox. I used to use Botox all the time. I no longer need Botox, because of all these things that Yolanda has taught me to do.

Thanks for listening, and we'll see you in the next episode. Don't forget to subscribe and share it with your friends.