Greetings to all the 9Mind Sacred Sisters out there and tho we be a small Klan of intelligent, powerful and virtuous women. Our dislike of Pale Barbaric Patriarchy makes us a threat to men as a collective and a threat to them as individuals, Therefore I must always greet this very small and sacred group of enlightened women with peace, protection, prosperity and indeed Wisdom to we and those we express love for. African American blk males often put forth unfounded and illogical arguements under the label of consciousness or scholarship that the Sad and oppressive life most of them exist under here in the USA is a all Female Black Matriarchy which if it was true would not be a negative culture. However these opinions are not true so to argue an untruth and then blame or point fingers of accusations at a racial group of women who have never been collectively FREE  since the coming and conquest of the Americas by European Barbarians now having reposiitioned themselves as Business men and as powerful political Heads due to immense wealth that was acquired during their ungodly barbaric period of Humane Trafficking of Free Black Bodies they renamed SLAVES. Black women have yet to address the fact that their Blk female Ancestors never where set free at any time in this land. Not by law, legislation, man or civil rights. To think SWIRLING will somehow put all BW born under this awful legacy in a better State is erroneous and lacking the long term SOLUTION to their real COMPLAINTS, which is the denial of their rights to have under PATRARCHY what white women have under same system which is PROTECTION and the sharing of resources. Roman Patriarchy is a system where only Roman women are allowed the protection of the STATE. Non Roman women are viewed as nothing but property to be exploited and monetized by the males of society. Patriarchal Marriage is used to afford a women the protection that Roman Law otherwise will not