Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all WISDOm be upon we all and those we love. I have to share this lesson with the BWGTOW Sistuhs as well as the Brothers. This war we are in for our MINDS is not a game an we must stop helping the ENEMY WIN. We need to show each other some MERCY and overstanding starting TONIGHT. This is the message that was given to me. So let me give everyone some encouragement and  lets stay in fervent PRAYER for each other and our HEALING becaus of transgression we have comitted against ourselves, our children, the earth, the Mother, the Father and the SPIRIT of TRUTH & JUSTICE. 

I was given the message that the reason Black people never see any JUSTICE or MERCY in our LIVES is directly bc we show ( no ) JUSTICE or mercy one toward another. This violation of thhe natural LAW of LOVE of SELF cause everyone influenced by us are that comes into contact with US [ here spirit speaking now ] bc we GOT TO GET THIS RIGHT! NOW; to do to we as we do one to another. Now I have a TEST for us all to do. Including MYSELF. It'scalled the I LOVE ME TEST. 

Goout everydaywhen you see a Bl child or person just wave to them and say very cheerfully; "HI, I LOVE ME," Test. If they look at you lil disturbed just smile and REPEAT what you said and keep it moving. This is how we are going to re-Program our-Cells. <3

Was also told that BW should go back enmass into the fields of TEACHING & NURSING and get our behinds out of MEDIA and that Black ppl need to turn away from all CORPORATE MEDIA and any Blacks regardless of wealth, pedigree or TRIBE affiated with all corporate outlets of anti BLACK PROPAGANDA TODAY!!!

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