Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisters and others. Peace protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. Many are unaware that terms or labels like black, white or not names of RACES or TRIBES or KLANS. They are science terms that denote which GROUP you are from based off your GENETICS. White simply means you come from the RECESSIVE geneti group type and BLACK means you come from the DOMINATE genetic group type or class. Now this information is onlyprivy to certain Doctors and Scientist while the vast majority of the BLACK CLASS or type have no idea [ why] we are called Black. I have come to realize that the main WAR that melanin dominate people ie... BLACK PPL have yet to mastr is the WAR of WORDS & DEFINITIONS. As an indigenous people who where forced to learn the language of our conquerors we also where forced to accept the meaning and definitions they taught us in school and gave to us in the dictionary books all written or controlled by them. We must now embar on a reEducation campaign to define their WORDS for OURSELVES. Now what sparked this revelaton was avideo I was listening to by a youtuber named Chrissie and a video she made titled, Colorism:Perception or Reaity and a follow up titled, Are Women Just as Colorist As Men?

Left a comment under Chrissie's video agreeing with much she pointed out but DOMINATE (meaning black) GENETIC SURVIVAL is why I created this show and what I dedicate my social media pages toward. Anytime we use these labels black and white we all must began to point out unashamedly what these labels really mean. OUR black, brown and luna children need to hear us teach them the TRUTH about these coded scientific terms which (only) in the US have erroneously been turned into RACES when we know their is NO SUCH thing as a white race or a black race as far as genetics are concerned so these terms must mean something else.