Greetings 9MIND Sacred Sisterhood Community. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. I have drafted up a document on Kickstarter outligning the plight of Black American Women and how we are fast becoming a endangered species due to being BREAD OUT by white TRIBES.

BlackAmericans where kept seperated for a lonf time here in the USA and bc of that seperation we where able to create a strong Black identity and legacy that was unique and exceptional in comparison to Blacks in other colonies. America NWO is not about ending RACISM but simply changing the face of it bu downgrading it from pale off white to Olive.  Everything will remain the same. Black Canaanite Africans are here to replace African Americans they will be the lower servant class,  Mexicans will be the working slave class and the lighter races like Asians, Arabs, Turks, Syrians ect... will be corporation over SEERS. While the old pale REPTILES like Rothshield and Rockefeller will remain unseen but still on their BLOODY game of thrones. 

Are we as BA willing to allow ourselves to be  whited out and assimilated into the races we where commanded NOT 2 MIX WITH is the question the few of us that care must ask ourselves?  If you need to know what WHITED OUT looks like then going to countries and Island States like Barbadas, Trinidade, India, Cuba, St kittDominican Republic, St. Thomas, Cape Verde ect...  will allow you to see what a whited out use to be AFRICAN looks and acts like. A video on the topic  is provided below.