Shalom, Salaam, Htp, Rahubaat and Hello everyone. This evening we want to continue last weeks discussion on how the miss education of the Black/AA aka Negro is now being predominately carried out by others who (look) like we in appearance (only) but who have the SPIRIT of the arthur of CONFUSION or CHAOS working industrialous within their members. These appointed agents of Chaos are set upon thrones and placed intentionally in positions ie... seats of influence similar to the seats held by the Pharisees, Saducees and the Sanhedrin Council of the Holy Bible which most of we have if not but a little, familiarity with. Let's continue the discussion from last week and see why few of we are truly men and women but we are led to BELIEVE that we are. We called Blk/AA ppl have a serious definition defiency. Meaning that we often times don't really know or understand the true meaning of the words we say and use. Because we live in a world of DUALITY. There is a system based off  what is told to the public and another completly different system for those who operate from the private or Secret side that most often of we are inmtentinally excluded from unless we be the VICTIMS of their unjust laws and codes based off clandestine orders of DECEIT and treachery. So lets go deeper into this rabbit hole and PRAY there is another way OUT. 
Hosea 4:6 (KJV)

6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no Priest to me: Seeing thou hast forgotten the LAW of thy God, I will also [forget thy children.]