Shalom, Salaam, Htp, Raahubaat. This evening show will be a look at how back in 1933 a Black historian and author named Carter G. Woodson born December 19, 1875 – April 3, 1950, wrote a first of it's kind book: The MisEducation of The Negro.

  The thesis of Dr. Woodson's book is that African Americans of his day were being culturally indoctrinated, rather than taught, in American schools. This conditioning, he claims, causes African Americans to become dependent and to seek out inferior places in the greater society of which they are a part. He challenges his readers to become autodidacts and to "do for themselves", regardless of what they were taught:

This evening show will be part I of what will be a II or III part topic so I want to point out my own observations of how the miseducation of the Negro is carried out by the Black and Mulatto (cia) Intelligencia of society.This show is about showing we how we continue to stay trapped in a square and why we cant seem to get out. Sorcery and majic is afoot sistuhs and those working these majic rituals are part of a elite and ancient order of wizards, witches and peons who dedicate their LIVES to keeping the Eloim beings, the LITE ONES aka renamed negro, BR or AA eternally trapped in their Pentagram drawn (webs) of deceit, secret orders, subertfuge and misdirection.