Shalom and Salaam. This evening I want to talk about the concept of Unity. I am on FB a lot and there are 100's of groups on there all expressing the concept or desire of we called Black aka African Americans needing to Unite. There is the we all need to go back to the motherland unity call, there is the all 12 tribes of Yisrayl need to unite, theres also the we who believe in pologamy need to unite, we also have the Black woman is God so we must unite. Everywhere you look and read there are social groups of every kind pushing and talking UNITT. So what is the hold up? Well hopefully i can point out some obstacles that I often witness see repeadtedly occurring that slow up or even prevent unification from being successful or positive. I am the first to proclaim that all UNITY is not good unity from my perspective. So I feel one needs to be very clear on who is calling for the unity and WHY? And once you do unify how do you plan to stay that way? These are just two of the most important questions you need to have answered before anyone convinces you to hop aboard the Unity train. Be clear of who the ledership is and their true agenda.  All 9Mind sacred sisterhood calls, comments and or opinions are welcome.