Shalom and Salaam everyone tonight i just one to share the videos of the teachers or scholars that teach in a style resonates with me. To often on FB and other social network sites the overly un-conscoius, fake name having, we need to unite minions of miss information push concepts of revolution that is lets go ask massah how to be free like aka cointelpro, that are only leading the well intended around in endless circles of getting FUKIN nothing accomplished. I have no time or energy for such groups and yet I am asked to join them and participate in them all the time. Only to shock many of you with my so called disrespectful, hostile, evil attitude of intolerance toward many of you. To show you that it's not just me and there are several others who go off in similar modes and have similar senitiment in regards to you unity driven weak willie lynch coons and connettes who fail to walk what you talk or more correctly type but you assume noone will figure u out cuzz you are on social media. But we true godz are gifted with XTRA site and knowing and you 3rd dimensional clever miscreants, promoting so called consciousness and unity cannot hide from US. It is indeed a pleasure to find others who vibrate on the same frequency of myself where like me, they tell U to STFU and GTFO here with that vile low frequency of ratchetness that is the BAB of NWO minstrel coonery x 9, then yes we the appointed and annointed are here to expose and shut it down. Yes we loud we name call, we roast dat azz, we spit real hot holy fiyah of rebuke and condemnation, our way. We give 0-FUKS how it's taken. Bobby Hemmit taught we the real Blk GODZ showed (no) respect for slaves created to serve them. So surely the respect is no less for slaves servin the w-LORDS of HELL.