Shalom and Salaam everyone. This evening I will continue our subject on the negative images we labeled African Amerrican (AA), Black/Negro seem to love to adopt and imitate that doesn't promote Racial Pride or self esteem but instead embraces and encourages we to be everything but our natural selves. Is this healthy or harmful? And if we all can agree it is harmful then why, do we promote that which negatively impacts who we are as a already exploited people? Why haven't we seen the ongoing attacks against Black Images in movies and media dangerous enough for we to (defend) ourselves against it? Are we simply a defeated race? I don't know, because it sure seems like we have accepted that which shouldf be unaccepatable. The cost is our African-melenin rich children are seeing fewer and fewer positives images of melenin rich men as well as melenin rich aka Black, women. We should be at red alert where this issue is concerned but instead, because of our need and desire to (mix) ourselves out of existence. Many of we won't be mad if there is no more pure blood or true blood Black melenin race. Why? PROPAGANDA - is the first thing that comes to mind and the power it has to make one believe that which is FALSE to be FACT. Let's delve into this subject and find out are we truly victims or are we VILAINS who just needed the right spells to bring it out of us.


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