Shalom and Salaam everyone. Tonight I just wanna talk briefly about a horrible serial murder/suicide that took place Monday, February 09, 2015 in Douglas County Atlanta, in what is described as a very nice, quiet surburban sub division. Sadly this was a Black African American Family of seven and the killer was the adult female residents ex Husband. smdh

Just wanna talk about it because somehow I feel there where signs Latoya Andrews simply ignored that had she been more in tune and not, lets say, "Suck it up and leave us alone (*IGGA)." Her and her family would still be alive right now. 

This is not a blame game but it is about awareness and when it is not good to push a desperate and unstable persons buttons. All of we are capable of snapping, turning up, going postal or whatever you wanna call it.

So knowing the signs when someone aint taking NO MORE., may just SAVE your LIFE or your families.