What up the ELECT of TMH? And all children of TMH who weep and mourn for righteousness sake. This is going to be just a chop it up Tuesday. My Mothers Day was the greatest. I was so grateful and happy as those who love and honor me came and paid their warmest respects and of course ate MAMAS home cooked good food. LOL  So allow me to give a hearty and blessed, belated Mothers Day Shout out to all the  9MIND Mama's out there. Thank You eternally for all you do and I really wish Blk & Brwn MOTHERS where HONORED more than we are. I will be reading some of my FB post and again i will have to address these go back to Africa Blk Agents who use FB to talk the talk but not walk the walk. You know the ones who talk, sell  and promote all things Africa to we of brwn indigenous American Ancestry but somehow (never) manage to move back, yet airplanes fly from there everyday bringing motherland AFRICANS over here to this land with (no problem) and yet those here who lament how bad America is will not uproot and permannetly move as if they need a parade and a national Blk movement in order to go. 





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