Shaluum and what up ppl of TMH. To the blessed ELECT, be of strong courage and commit thyself to the work of uplifting the lost and the blind by empowering them with TRUTH. Tonights show I simply want to talk about the difference between females who (never) experience the opening of the WOMB ceremony also called child birth. And barren females who choose to not have children whether it be voluntary or involuntary. I have observed a marked difference in femiNINE comphrehension between the two sets of FEMALES vs WOMEN. We have heard the saying that all men are created EQUAL. Well I have (never) BELIEVED that. Neither do I believe that (all women) are created equal. Differences are not a crime folks and the attempt to make everyone be on EQUAL footing when the evidence remarkebly shows otherwise is simply those with the lowest attributes of humanity. Making themselves (equal) and on the same footing with those who are in every way SUPERIOR. When we refuse to acknowledge the superiority of that which is indeed superior. We are only deceiving ourselves as well as lieing to ourselves which in the long run can have serious negative consequences. Well lets address this tonight. 9MIND calls are always welcome but if if this is indeed unchartered terriotory for you. Then I suggest you just sit back and LISTEN and download or save and listen some more. Because what has been done to we as a ppl was intentional and designed to weaken we in the areas where we need to be the strongest which is FAMILY.

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