Greetings 9MIND Sacred Sisters. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. Lets talk about the CUCASOID HORDES AGENDA to breed all original Black races and tribes out of existence. As long as BM are not willing to SLAY the QUEENS, then the repeating over and over an over again of a very OLD WAR will continue to occurr. The Black Males (mind) has been colonized in every way and w/out a BRAIN, w/out COURAGE he wont have any HEART. 

Movie: The Rabbit Proof Fence

The epic documentary and drama of how one of the oldest Black Tribes of the beautuful land of Austrailia known as the down under was invaded, tribal women raped and the half cast children of that violation taken to boarding schools to be indoctrinated on how to become brown ASIATICS. The Ancient original BLACK Austrailians were scientifically, intenionally and sexually bred out also known as (whited or bleaced out) by European Asiatic hordes (renamed) WHITE PPL.

Sadly they are neither white nor or they people. Theyre closer to being a GERM or a parasite, just on 2 legs. Once you allow them in, they just keep reproducing and spreading.

They eventually BECOME YOU as YOU, cease to EXIST. So the Nation of Islam and other religions that FALSELY teach that melanated men procreating with Caucasoid Asiatic women makes the offspring of that union what the FATHER is, is false and incorrect. No SHE turns the child into what she is. As th BIBLE in Genesis says that it is THE WOMAN who carries the seed. How the men read the Bible and for whatever reason switches this around is confusing to me. Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and HER seed.

The Destrution of Black Civilization: Great Issues of Race From 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D.

Author: Chancelor Williams