Greetings 9MIND Sacred Sisterhood Clan. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and of course those we love. Let’s discuss what the world looked like before these false labels of race were invented. How did people identify themselves? Was there such a thing as a individual or an orphan? The answer is no. Individuals or orphans were immediately absorbed into existing tribes. The concept of living alone and by oneself was literally absurd in hunter gatherer cultures as well as agricultural, husbandry villages where the need for everyone to play a role in the overall survival of the Tribe or Clan was a must. So how were the names of Klans or Tribes developedone may ask? Klans took their name from who ever was the Chief, Czar, King, Prince and later from those who conquered them or invaded them. As tribes or Clans united then the combining of the names of the chiefs was what the tribe was called and identified by. Now this had nothing to do with race back. Early man had no concept of race and since all where of a brown hue then the differences would have been more based off phenotype, hair texture, language and geographical location which accounted for whatever culture or life style they adopted. For example, a tribe living by water on the coast created a culture making them co dependent on that water source and the food derived from it where as another tribe located in a dry desert region would more likely have to raise cattle for a food source, clothing and to assist with domesticated work. The creating of FALSE races based of geographical species relocation programs and forced language indoctrination has been ingenuise in creating a permanent feeling of separation and complete division amongst the conquered, kidnapped and colonized. Another way Tribes and Klans were created was based off a shared profession, skill or a sacred religious Priest or Priestesshood.