Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood Family. Peace, prosperity, protection and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love.It seems that Jessie Williams has sparked some hot conversation with his timely BET speech the way Mrs. Beyonce Knowles Carter did with her formation video. As often is the case, although we all can see the same movie are here the same speech or address. We all don't here are interpret what we here or see the same way. So while Jessie's speech still fresh in everyones minds and dripping from everyones lips, I want to play a few clips of popular YT Vloggers & Bloggers opinion of his speech and throw in my three pennies worth of 9mind opinion on what his speech should mean and represent to all 9MIND Sacred Sisters everywhere. My FB account continues to be LOCKED because don't know my security question answer of 6yrs ago nor can I identify enoungh random pictures of my almost 1000 friends on FB to prove to FB that I should be allowed back on on my page. SMDH What got me locked out of my FB account? Me sharing a story about a lil Black Baby girl dying from having been given to many vaccination shots all at the same time in the various FB groups to which I belong. Somehow FB saw this as a problem. But the sexism, bestiality,  ography and mysoginy I have seen (all) on FB is obviously ok to be there and shared without the posters of such being locked out of their accounts.So until this is resolved if ever. Contact me on my twitter link and the emails I have listed below, for all comments, questions and even show topics. Web page coming soon. Untill then. Continue to download the podcast, listen and share. Sacred Love & Respect. 9Mind Host and Creator.

~ Shiloah ~

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