Greetings 9MIND Sacred Sisterhood Family. Peace, prosperity, protection and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. Last broadcast exposed the envy and hatred that so called (original) Black men have for their Biracial half cast male offspring while collectively they desire, worship and adore the biracial female. Why is this? How can the Brothers (lol) have such love for one and disdain and criticism for the other but both sets of biraial, ie... half cast are a product of the Black man interacialy mixing and miscegenating his on genetics no?

Did the Black man forsee his own erasure when (they) so willing accepted the rules of miscegnation, or did they so foolishly assume that somehow they would always be relevant and (wanted) regardless of what they did or said?

Well with Barack Obama becoming the first Biracial President of the USA.  Which really should not have been epic or a surprise, the biRacial male seems to be aggressively contending for their place as the new American Alpha Male. A place that has long time been denied them by their darker and more original counterparts. So what has changed? What now gives the biRacial the courage and jurisdiction to challenge his Black FATHERS for their crown? Well we will be discussing this interesting topic on part I of tonight broadcast. The BiRacial male has always been around, they simply were either ignored or absorbed into the overpowering quagmire of Blackness by the very Black ppl they have to often siffered a love, hate relationship with simply because they didn't and don't have to endure and live under the true oppression of what it means to be REALY BLACK in America and around the world.

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