Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood Klan and Family. Peace, protection, prosperity and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. Gonna get into what is waitng for BW (like myself) who care not to be married to a BM and be miserable or who won't accept racial or gender exploitation. Yes it looksl like we are slated for a life of isolation and aloneness. I want to help show BW who find themselves in this situation how if we embraced (sisterhood) this life of aloneness can be exciting and even liberating if BW (the sistuhs) could learn how to love, respect and celebrate what we all have in common. And that's being Black and being woman. We are at WAR and BW are always losing because we spend way to much time trying to UNITE with those who we have the least in common with instead of ourselves. This is Black heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual men. All three types have benefited from the competition and division that has been generationaly cultivated by BM. The whole divivde and conquer strategem has worked at it's perfect best when one observes the American born BW. A happy life for a BW or female (today) is basically a life without BM or their fucced up SONS. Gay or not. They all come with so much fucced up baggage and problems that they cant wait to place right on the backs of a strong, mammfied BW.

BW we need our own sacred communities for OURSELVES. Communities where we can live out our years, not in aloneness but in value, friendship, sisterhood, motherhood, Cronehood and all the value and fullfillment that comes with women who HONOR that they are BW that overcame man and was not DESTROYED by THEM. Our lives could be so much better if we only put OURSELVES and learned to love Blk baby girls more than we loved Black boys. A mother will have way more in common with her daughters than her sons. So BW have had it all WRONG.