Greetings 9Mind Sacred Sisterhood KlaN and family. Peace, prosperity, protection and most of all wisdom be upon we all and those we love. Gonna keep bringing our stories from within the walls of Blackistan/USA. Even the GAY Black men or finally speaking out. WOW! WHY? Could it be that they now realize that when BW decide to (curse) all BM, that they too are included in that curse? With that being the case, some now want to come to our defense. Are is it once again Black men and males are seeing that a spiritual war of cosmic proportion is about to GO DOWN ...and they of course now want all the ex Black MAMMIES on TEAM THEM!

NOT. THIS TIME BW, WE NEED TO BE ON TEAM ...OURSELVES. BM broke covenant and have sided with the oppressors of BW and her children so let the judgemental Sanhedrin Council of BM fight for themselves. They dare to judge us when they have been nothing but FAILURES at LEADERSHIP going way back before the bombing of Tulsa Negro Walstreet in 1921. Even Nat Turners revolt was unsuccessful due to WHO? You guessed it, slave minded BM. The constant character assasination of BW by BM is only going to be solved ONE WAY. I guess we of the BWGTOW revolution should know that by now. BW we are the only true warriors of OUR KIND, and when our very survival is being threteaned by the BEAST. We must all pick a TEAM and suit up for WAR!  Let's get it innnn...


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