Daisy  ❃  Meditation
  "The quality of our lives depends on the stillness that we find at the centre." John Main.   
  Let your personal meditation practice be your own heart's expression.  
 This is a special offering to help us all enter the practice of meditation with a great degree of confidence and experience success in this contemplative prayer of the heart.

I believe we can receive inner instructions from the Holy Spirit, our teacher, that gives life to our prayers and meditations. Just as every single thing created by God is a UNIQUE EXPRESSION OF HIM so are we. Every lily of the field, every blade of grass, grain of sand, snowflake and yes, every daisy is uniquely made, one of a kind, expression of God in the earth. To broaden our understanding of meditation I envisioned a daisy flower ❃ with simple white petals, each one a part of the daisy, made by God yet expressed slightly differently, a different shade of glory. That is how I understand meditation, simple lovely white petals on a daisy, all belonging, all beautiful alone, while being creatively inspiring in any combination too.

How to Begin
1. Select one or more of the Elements (petals) of Meditation ~  Stillness, Breath, One Word, Smiling, Feeling, Healing, Imagination, En Christo, New Wine, or my own personal combination called Sue's Meditation.
 2. Use your intuition, select the elements you are drawn to.

3. Try different elements and combinations depending on how you feel.

Don't worry if you think you are not doing it right, you cannot do it wrong!  If you fidget just bring awareness back to your body and gently bring your physical body back to stillness. If your mind wonders, and it will,  observe the thought, even feel the emotions connected to that thought, then LET IT GO.  Just let it go like a hot air balloon, watch it rise. Some folks like to envision a stream or a river of flowing water and the stray thought floats away. The point is to intentionally set down and begin focusing your mind and heart on the element of the meditation you have chosen. 

Hint: if it seems daunting please try the Stillness or the Breath Meditation. Either one or together will help you establish quietness of mind and body.  

PURPOSE AND POINT: reduces stress, increases sleep, reduces pain, reduces stress, increases sleep, reduces pain, spiritually opens us to the fruit of our own spirit (God and I are ONE) , opens us to self knowledge which opens us to know God also unknowing, preconceptions, negative filters. 

Visit my web page: Essential Life Essence   Contact me: 989-916-6035.  Join my Facebook group: Sacred Silence


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