Episode 123!

Are you feeling pissed at what is happening in the world right now? This is for you.

You do not gain personal power by fighting against something - you gain it by aligning to your Sacred Truth, your Source Connection, and your decision to live in replenishing energetics. This episode will awaken & activate something in you.

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In this episode:

+ How opposition is energetic entrapment

+ "Body sovereignty" is not something you fight for, it is something you know that you are

+ "Patriarchy gets you twice."

+ Bi-wave and Tri-wave frequencies and why they matter

+ Sovereignty - what is it and how to get it

+ An explanation of the Soul Blueprint and how you are connected to Source

At this time, with a HUGE power-grab on the part of a failing patriarchy with #roevswadeoverturned - don't bite and become distracted in opposition.












