About Allison: Allison is a sister, friend, mother, wife, grandmother, and outstanding bread creatrix.

In this podcast, she will be sharing how psilocybin has been a great catalyst for healing and transformation in her life over the past few years.


In this episode, Kim Andryc, Lora Solomon, and Allison discuss:

Releasing generational trauma  Transforming relationships  Making a commitment to taking care of yourself The symbiotic relationships between humans and mushrooms


Key Takeaways:

Desperation invites you to move into a space that's been calling you. The human body will heal itself if you allow it.   Your health is yours to take control of and find happiness in.  A true medicine is something that actually helps you to become whole and doesn't just manage the symptoms of being chronically disconnected from yourself.

"I'm not a victim, I am 100% in control of my life and I can make changes." — Allison

Connect with Allison:  

Email: [email protected] 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allisonjbushman/ 

Connect with Sacred Rebellion: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoraAndKim 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sacredrebellionpodcast/

Email Lora:  [email protected]

Email Kim: [email protected]

Show notes by Podcastologist Chelsea Taylor-Sturkie


Audio production by Turnkey Podcast Productions. You're the expert. Your podcast will prove it.