"The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box; it shows you the box you're already in and the way out." - Havilah Siegmann shares why and how this tool can change your life!

In this podversation: Interested in the Sanctuary I mentioned in the intro? Click here. The Enneagram is NOT a religious tool but can be awesome for spiritual growth too. Some of Havilah's experiences as a Type 4/ the Romantic or the Individualist on the Enneagram How the Enneagram provides insight on both the nature and nurture aspects of "personality" "The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box; it shows you the box you're already in and the way out." The danger in over-simplifying the Enneagram and not pushing through to the transformational piece An introduction/ overview to all 9 types Be careful not to type/ diagnose your loved ones What are tritypes and how do they work? Pay closest attention to where you go in stress and why Should you start with an assessment to figure out your type? Additional Resources: My favorite Enneagram assessment - the RHETI ($12) An overview of all 9 types on the Enneagram My favorite Enneagram books: The Path Between Us (for relationships) The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types Already know your type? Subscribe to the Daily EnneaThought Meet Havilah Seigmann

As a raised in Evangelical-land girl, Havilah was full of faith and questions, and always reading. A former music teacher, Havilah now uses her teaching skills not only to lead others into deeper explorations of themselves, but also to break up fights and teach her three children how not to throw things at each other. She loves to gather people around her table, make beautiful things, and to explore new places with her family.

Havilah started The Transformation Collaborative, an online place to share inspiration and encouragement. She creates and produces the Little Faith Podcast, a podcast about how to be good humans for ourselves and our littles while living in the middle of doubt.

You can connect with her on Instagram @transformation_collaborative and @littlefaithpodcast, on Twitter @havilahjoys and on Facebook @transformationcollaborative and @littlefaithpodcast.

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