Joe has a unique story. He had been addicted to drugs at the age of 13 and was selling cocaine by the time he was 21. He had a life of ups and downs, but it wasn't until after having a massive panic attack at age 38 that he found meditation and was able to escape the pain that had been leaving him an unfulfilled life and embrace a life with more fulfillment than ever before. And now with a certificate in Spiritual Psychology, he's helping others do the same.

Unlock the power that has been holding YOU back!

In this podversation: How crucial the first few months of recovery are It's not just one moment, it's a series of moments that wakes us up to needed change What led Joe to pretend to be suicidal when he hit bottom "Until I knew why I was using drugs in the first place, I couldn't actually heal." The role shame and loneliness often play in addiction and recovery Why authenticity is so crucial to a healthy life Becoming mindful of the power and dangers of whatever follows the words "I am _____." Some of the problematic areas of 12 step, disease models of addiction and recovery Toxic masculinity culture and some of the difficulties for men becoming vulnerable The number one trait all genders find attractive How a panic attack changed everything The power of meditation and mindfulness in recovery and wellness in general "The way you deal with the issue IS the issue." What Joe's Spiraddict Warrior program is all about "Being sober and being happy are two different things." "You don't need to feel pain in order to heal." Meet Joe Mintzer:

Joe Mintzer has been working on his inner self for some time and is in the process of creating a new type of recovery for those who are looking for a new community after the initial stages of growth.

He holds a certificate in Spiritual Psychology which he uses in his one on one coaching for survivors/addicts moving forward after the first 3-6 months of recovery.

Through his own trial and error process of his life he has learned that there is more than one path to sobriety and his mission is to tell his story in hopes of helping others heal through forgiving their past indiscretions and loving themselves with living in the present.

Connect with him further on Instagram or his website.