Suzanne Anderson is a change agent for women change makers. As a psychologist, author, executive coach, speaker and transformational facilitator she has dedicated the past 15 years of her career in leadership development to decoding an embodied, integral and accelerated pathway to awaken consciousness and leadership capacity in women.

In her global online programs and retreats she guides women to do the deep work of upgrading their inner operating systems and becoming a match for these complex times. She is the co-author of the award-winning book The Way of the Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How you Live, Love and Lead.

In this podversation: Why Suzanne felt pulled to both research and write a book on balancing the divine feminine and masculine energies in a woman's life Culture's profound shift from a hyper-masculine focus back around to one that invites integration with the feminine What is the shadow and how do we work with it? Why the use of archetypes allow us to dive into the unconscious/ subconscious/ shadow


The 5 archetypes of the Mysterial Path and each limiting belief as well as each liberating belief

The Mother (static yin energy) - "I am not enough" becomes "I am enough just as I am" The Hero (dynamic yang energy) - "I have to do to be of value" becomes "I am empowered to do what is mine to do" The Father (static yang energy) - "I do not belong" becomes "I am at home in myself and naturally belong" The Maiden (dynamic yin energy) - "I am not free to express myself fully" becomes "I am free to express my true nature" The Crone (synthesis) - "I don't have enough knowledge, connections, or influence" becomes "I am a channel or evolving source of wisdom, love and power" Additional Resources: Suzanne's book - "The Way of the Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How You Live, Love and Lead" More information about Suzanne's group offerings: